
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Some Pet Tips for this 4th of July Holiday

Fireworks, picnics and other Fourth of July traditions can be great fun for people; but all of the festivities can be frightening and even dangerous for animals. Noisy fireworks and other celebrations can startle animals and cause them to run away; holiday foods can be unhealthy; summer heat and travel can be dangerous; and potentially dangerous debris can end up lying on the ground where pets can eat or play with it. On and around the Fourth of July, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) sees an increase in calls concerning pets who have ingested fireworks, or are having issues due to the loud noises they make.

Whether or not you’re planning your own Independence Day celebration, it’s important to take precautions to keep your pets safe both during and after the July 4th festivities.

Preparing in advance:
  1. Make sure your pets – cats and dogs alike – have identification tags with up-to-date information. If you have horses, you might consider marking a safety (breakaway) halter with your contact information and leaving it on your horse during this stressful time.
  2. If your pets aren’t already microchipped, talk with your veterinarian about microchipping. This simple procedure can greatly improve your chances of getting your pets back if they become lost.
  3. If your pets are microchipped, make sure your contact information in the microchip registry is up-to-date.
  4. Take a current photo of all of your cats, dogs and horses – just in case.
  5. If your pet has historically been anxious on this holiday, or if you have reason to expect potentially harmful reactions, consider behavioral therapy to desensitize your pet and reduce the risk of problems. Some pets may need medication. Consult your veterinarian or a veterinary behaviorist.
  6. Make sure the environment is safe and secure. If your neighbors set off fireworks at an unexpected time, is your yard secure enough to keep your pet contained? Are pasture fences secure enough to keep horses or other livestock confined? Evaluate your options, and choose the safest area for your animals; and make improvements if needed to make the area more secure.

Safety during July 4th celebrations:
  1. Leave your pets at home when you go to parties, fireworks displays, parades and other gatherings. Loud fireworks, unfamiliar places and crowds can all be very frightening to pets, and there’s great risk of pets becoming spooked and running away.
  2. Consider putting your pets in a safe, escape-proof room or crate during parties and fireworks.
  3. Keep horses and livestock in safely fenced areas and as far from the excitement and noise as possible.
  4. If you’re hosting guests, ask them to help keep an eye on your pets to make sure they don’t escape. Placing notes on exit doors and gates can help both you and your guests remain vigilant.
  5. Keep your pets inside if you or your neighbors are setting off fireworks.
  6. Keep sparklers, glow sticks, fireworks, charcoal and kabob skewers away from curious pets.
  7. Don’t let pets get near your barbecue grill while it is in use or still hot.
  8. Avoid the urge to feed your pets table scraps or other foods intended for people. Be especially careful to keep them away from these common foods that are actually toxic.
  9. Remember that too much sun and heat (and humidity!) can be dangerous to pets. Keep them inside when it’s extremely hot/humid; make sure they have access to shady spots and plenty of water when outdoors; don’t leave them outside for extended periods in hot weather; and know the signs that a pet may be overheating.
  10. Never leave your pet in your car, especially when it’s warm outside. Vehicle interiors heat up much faster than the air around them, and even a short time in a locked car can be dangerous to pets.  Even when the temperature outside is a balmy 72 degrees, the temperature inside your car can rocket to a fatal 116 degrees in less than an hour’s time.
  11. If you’re travelling out of town for the holiday, consider leaving your pets at home with a pet sitter or boarding them in a kennel. If you need to bring them with you, be sure you know how to keep them safe.
  12. Follow safe food handling and hygiene practices to protect your family and guests.

If your pet has a fear of or aversion to loud noises:
  1. Something as simple as turning on some soft music and moving your pet into an interior room with no windows can be helpful.
  2. An anxiety vest may work in some cases—if you don’t have one, try a snugly fitting t-shirt.
  3. If you and your veterinarian do decide that anti-anxiety mediation is your pet’s best bet, there are a few things to remember. First and foremost, give a practice dose of the medication before the big night to see how your pet responds to the medication. Second, never share the medication with another pet or give more than the recommended amount. If you do, you may end up spending the holiday at your local veterinary emergency clinic.
  4. While noise phobias are not as common in cats, they can and do happen. Fortunately, cats tend to hide when frightened. Checking in on your cats, having some quiet music on and keeping them indoors during the height of the fireworks is always a good idea.

After the celebrations:
  1. Check your yard for fireworks debris before allowing pets outside to play or relax. Even if you didn’t set off fireworks yourself, debris can make its way into your yard, where curious animals may pick it up to play with or eat.
  2. Check your pastures and remove debris to protect horses and livestock.
  3. If you hosted guests, check both your yard and home for food scraps or other debris that might be dangerous to pets, such as food skewers.

Check out our website for some Calming Aids for Pets that will help stressful situations such as fireworks, thunderstorms, travel, etc!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

What To Know About CBD Oil For Your Dog

What is CBD and will it make my dog high?

Cannibidiol (CBD) is a substance that is found in cannabis and hemp. Unlike its counterpart Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which gives marijuana its psychoactive properties, CBD is not a psychoactive stimulus, rather, it provides your dog with a calming sensation and pain-relaxing sensations without harming them with potential intoxicating effects. You may be interested to know that both humans and dogs have the same endogenous cannabinoid system. CBD acts by targeting these receptors located in the brain, organs, central nervous system, and immune cells that stimulate relaxing effects. In short, your dog won’t get “high” from CBD oil.

What benefits does CBD have for my dog?

The benefits of using CBD for your dog it incredible! Products containing this substance have opened up a whole new world for pet care and those who believe in natural remedies!

Does your dog suffer from separation anxiety or noise phobias? If you have ever suffered from anxiety, then you know that it is awful, and it would be the same for your dog too. Many dogs suffer from anxiety and have been known to be depressed and extremely anxious in certain situations. This can result in destructive behaviors such as chewing objects, urinating, pacing, and more. CBD has been extensively studied for its effect on stress and anxiety. It helps because it is a relaxing stimulant that calms your pet.

Seizures and Epilepsy
It is estimated that up to 5% of dogs suffer from seizures. Most dogs with seizures are put on drugs such as phenobarbital and potassium bromide. While they may help control the seizures, they can be extremely harmful to your dog’s liver and other organs. And the drugs don’t work in all cases. That is why many dog owners turn to CBD when their canine suffers from seizures and epilepsy. CBD has been shown to work well in drug-resistant epilepsy. In one study, 7 of 8 patients with epilepsy that were resistant to drugs saw a definite improvement within 4 to 5 months of taking CBD. High levers of CBD can manage your pet’s seizures, and over time, it has been known to reduce the frequency of them, and in some cases get rid of the seizures altogether.

Unfortunately, dogs can get cancer too, and when they do, they have symptoms of nausea, loss of appetite, and chronic pain. CBD allows your part to feel comfortable during those difficult times and helps to reduce the side effects that cancer can have on your dog. Pet owners are also giving their dogs small doses of CBD daily as it have been proven to aid in preventing and killing cancer by: Helping the immune system to kill cancer cells, Blocks the cancer cells ability to produce energy, and Contains anti-tumor properties. CBD can also help increase the efficacy of conventional cancer treatment.

Chronic Pain/Arthritis
Even dogs can’t escape arthritis, but CBD can help with that. The cannabinoids in CBD work so well for pain that scientists are considering it as a new class of drug for the treatment of chronic pain. Arthritis is the inflammation of joints that case aching, pain, and other degenerative illnesses. As CBD is a pain reliever, it targets these aching joints and gives your dog relief. Not only that, but it soothes the chronic inflammation that prevents your pet from healing properly.

Boost Appetite By Decreasing Nausea
When a dog loses their appetite, it can be hard to know the reason why. Majority of the time, however, they lose it due to nausea. As a human, we won’t eat when we feel like that unless we take something to alleviate the digestive issue and receive pain relief. CBD can do this for your pet. The National Cancer Institute reports that CBD increases appetite and carries this extra benefit, in addition to controlling cancer. In animal studies, CBD has also been shown to help with vomiting and nausea, even when they’re the result of toxins and drugs.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Animal studies show that CBD can prevent colitis (IBD) and restore normal gut motility in inflammatory bowl disease. CBD also has antibiotic properties, including Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA).

Chronic Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease
CBD has been shown to decrease the production and release of inflammatory cytokins that can cause allergies, hypersensitivities and autoimmunity. It can also suppress something call Th17 dominance, which is a major cause of autoimmune disease. CBD also inhibits the production of inflammatory macrophages and decreases chronic inflammation. On top of all that, CBD is also a powerful antioxidant that’s shown to be more powerful than vitamins C and E.

Cardiovascular Health
Just as veterinarian Dr. Bassinthwaighte discovered, CBD has been linked to heart health. Studies show it can reduce the damage from damaged blood vessels and irregular heart rates, protect blood vessels from damage and dilate the arteries, and reduce heart rate and blood pressure associated with stress and anxiety.

Neurodegenerative Diseases
For dogs suffering from degenerative myelopathy and other spine and nerve issues, CBD shows a lot of promise. It’s been shown to help patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease by protecting the brain cells from toxicity. For senior dogs, CBD has been shown to protect the brain from cell death caused by free radicals and toxins.

Is CBD Oil For Dogs Legal and Safe?

With so many studies showing the health benefits of CBD, the most encouraging result is that CBD appears to be safe, even when taken in high doses and over extended periods of time. It can decrease the activity of liver enzymes used to metabolize many prescription drugs, so if your dog is on medication you might want to check with your holistic vet before using CBD. Most CBD oil for dogs and other pets is derived from hemp oil, so it contains no or very small traces of THC. Because of this, all 50 states have approved the use of hemp-based CBD for human and animal products. The bottom line is, CBD oil could be a healthy (or even life-saving) herb for your dog. More and more pet owners and holistic vets are drawn to its diverse and marked health benefits and they feel good knowing the side effects are mild and animals don’t appear to build up a tolerance.

Dr. Tim Shu, founder and CEO of VETCBD, says that interaction of cannaidiol with the endocannabinoid system in dogs can provide relief from a wide variety of physiological and neurological conditions, by ‘modulating the chemical components’ responsible for nausea, stress, anxiety, pain, and even gastrointestinal conditions brought on by infection.

Additionally, he goes on to say that unlike other traditional medications that veterinary clinics might suggest, CBD has no significant or life-threatening side effects if administered in the proper dose. It also does not do any damage to internal organs, nor does it get the dog high – unlike sedative medications which alleviate symptoms by simply ‘masking’ the underlying condition, cannabidiol is a physiological component that actively works to reverse “non-normal” functioning.
In addition to alleviating pain and nausea, CBD oil for dogs is also increasingly being used to mollify overly-aggressive dogs, or easily frightened/skittish dogs that are sent into panic mode by things like loud noises, mailmen, or their owner’s roommates.

Choosing a good CBD Oil for your dog

Not all CBD oils are created equally. You’ll want a high quality CBD oil that works, so here are a few things to look for:

  • Make sure the product is organic: If it isn’t organic, your CBD oil contains pesticides, fungicides or solvents.
  • Don’t cheap out: The higher the quality and purity, the higher the cost. Don’t price shop. Make sure your CBD oil is free of additives and has a good amount of CBD.
  • Get the analysis: Ask for a lab analysis of the amount of CBD in the product. Many CBD oils contain only small amounts of CBD. The manufacturer should provide a certificate of analysis. You’ll also want to make sure there is little or no THC in the product.
  • Buy CBD in a tincture: You can buy CBD chews but the best form is in the tincture. This way, you can adjust your dog’s dose drop by drop to make sure he gets the most benefit.

A few things to note that will come in handy

  • Start your dog off slowly but don’t let the naysayers tell you CBD isn’t a good option for your dog. The research is being done and the results are very promising.
  • Keep a journal of your dog before and for several days if you decide to use a CBD product. This will help you decide whether it’s having a positive effect. Better still, record video of your dog to document their progress, or lack thereof (this will help you overcome the flaws of human memory). Or ask friends/family whether they’ve noticed any difference in your dog without telling them that you’ve been giving your dog CBD (the closest you’ll get to a blinded study).
  • Keep CBD safely locked away. Like so many other things, a dog that finds a stash of CBD or other hemp products will probably eat more than they should. This will be more of an issure for an edible product like a CBD dog biscuit, but to keep your dog safe be sure that you keep any CBD (and definitely any THC products) well out of your dog’s reach and, ideally, behind a locked door.
  • Even if CBD lacks the same psychedelic kick as THC, you should be careful how much you give your dog. Also, be careful that an unwitting guest, or even a child, doesn’t accidently lay it on heavy with the CBD treats. Keep these treats separated from your regular treats and let people know if and when it is OK to give one to your dog.
  • And of course, if you have the means to work with a veterinarian (particularly one that has experience in CBD products for pets) by all means make sure you do so. The only thing you might run into is a vet who’ll reprimand you for wanting to give your dog cannabis and tell you that you need to be using prescription meds instead.
What brand of CBD oil and treats do we recommend?

Treatibles--Why? Well, let us tell you a bit about this company and it's products.
Treatibles was founded on the values of compassionate care, quality ingredients, reliable information and integrity. All Treatibles products are Compassion Certified® and proudly made in the USA. Treatibles are reliable and benefical bag to bag, capsule to capsule, bottle to bottle and application to application. The full spectrum hemp oil is third party lab tested for cannabinoid content and to rule out heavy metals, pesticides and biocontaminants.

Additionally, final products are tested to ensure consistency and potency. Treatibles products are non-psychoactive, non-toxic and virtually free of THC. Lab tests are available here.
Their chews are manufactured in Safe Quality Foods (SQF) certified facilities using GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices). This ensures accurate dosing and product uniformity, which cannot be replicated in a commercial kitchen.


At Treatibles they take compliance seriously – in their manufacturing, packaging, marketing and more. Treatibles is a member of the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC), which operates under strict guidance from the FDA/CVM. carries the entire Treatibles Chews and PCR Hemp Oil line.

  • Check out our website for many more made in USA pet products!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Go Dog dog toys - Tough toys for tough dogs

If your looking for a toy to stand up against your pups tough play style, Go Dog may be just what you're looking for! Their toys are made with Chew Guard Technology, double stitched seams, and puncture-resistant squeakers to make them last longer than your average plush toy.

I'm sure now you're asking what's Chew Guard Technology? Well to answer that question I will take a passage right from Go Dog themselves.
Chew Guard Technology is a manufacturing process that adds a super tough, durable liner to soft plush toys. The Chew Guard lining was specifically engineered to withstand tough play. All seams are double stitched and reinforced!
Even though no dog toy is indestructible, Go Dog toys are tougher and last longer than standard soft plush toys, and they guarantee it! Go Dog offers a free one-time replacement within 30 days of your purchase date.

 You can find these toys and more tough dog toys by visiting our website at or by giving us a call at 877-863-5431.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Why a Kong is a great investment for your dog

We all know how much energy dogs can have, and it can sometimes put a strain on your day to day life when you can't seem to expend all of it. Somehow, no matter how much playing or how many walks, dogs always seem to have an excess of energy left over. If you ever find yourself questioning why that is, it's probably because while your dog has exerted his physical energy, his mental energy hasn't peaked yet. So how do you expend mental energy? By giving your dog a job to do! Now, by a job I don't mean you need to train your dog to do some kind of task, although it would probably be a fun training experience! You can help your dog expend mental energy by giving your dogs puzzles and dispensers that he has to try and figure out in order to get the kibble inside. This will keep your dog from running around the house like a mad-man and will keep them from chewing on things they shouldn't. So what does this have to do with Kong? It's one of the greatest treat dispensing toys every created! Many trainers swear by them as they are the perfect tool to help train your dog. It's great for crate training, teaching what is appropriate to chew on, helping with separation anxiety, and calming down an excitable dog. So let's dive more into it!

What is Kong?

KONG founder, Joe Markham, loved his trained police dog, Fritz, but did not love his destructive chewing habits. Where other dogs might have chewed your shoes or favorite purse, Fritz loved to crunch on rocks, sticks and other harmful items. Fritz’s teeth were wearing down and his need for stimulation and play was not being met, and Joe was frustrated.

One day, while working on a VW Bus, Joe began throwing out car parts to Fritz to lure him away from those rocks. Fritz was immediately taken with a rubber suspension part and dropped it in Joe’s lap to play. The erratic bounce and toughness of the rubber inspired Joe.

They’ve been making KONGs from their own proprietary, pet-safe, built-to-chew rubber ever since. Dogs love KONG. The way it bounces keeps them engaged and ready to play. It has a soft mouth feel for a satisfying chew and, of course, it’s super durable. Owners love KONG too; they can stuff it, throw it, leave it out in the yard — KONG keeps coming back for more.

Dogs and their owners choose the original KONG and all of their other favorite toys because they’re fun. KONG toys are the best of the best in quality, originality, variety, safety, and value. Give a dog a KONG. They’ll be the first to show you: it’s not just a toy, it’s a KONG.

KONG 101
Most dogs need to learn to use a KONG Classic. Follow these steps to ensure your dog knows how to enjoy all the benefits of this popular toy.


It’s important to use the right size KONG so that your dog can have the safest, most enjoyable experience. Not sure where to start on sizing? Each Kong has an estimated weight range that tells you what size Kong would be best for your dog. There are even Puppy Kongs for young dogs, Senior Kongs that are softer for the older dogs, and the Extreme Kongs for the dogs that are aggressive chewers.


Get your dog excited about their new KONG. Show it off and talk about it excitedly; maybe even play a little hard-to-get to pique their interest and show them what their new toy can do.


Many dogs are motivated by food and KONG toys are perfect for stuffing with treats or kibble to keep dogs busy. The key is to stuff loosely so that the food will come out of the toy easily. To entice your dog, try using a little bit of peanut butter or their favorite treat in the KONG.


Over time, your dog will learn how to get treats out of the KONG quickly. To increase the challenge, put together a mixture of wet and dry ingredients, stuff the KONG and freeze it. A frozen KONG heightens the experience by creating a long-lasting, mentally stimulating task.

What can you stuff in a Kong?
So many wonderful things! You can combine dozen's of healthy options to create hundreds of different experiences for your dog! We'll name just of a few of the many things you can stuff a Kong with!
  • Peanut Butter
  • Canned 100% Pure Pumpkin
  • Canned Dog Food
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Yogurt (Greek or Plain)
  • Apple Sauce
  • Dog Treats
  • Dog Kibble
  • Carrots
  • Cheerios (Plain)
  • Cheese Slices (American or Cheddar)
  • Freeze-dried Liver
  • Peas
  • Cooked Chicken or Turkey
  • Apple Slices (make sure your dog doesn't eat the core)
  • Bananas

Check out our Website for all your Kong needs! Plus take a look at all our other products you can stuff with treats!