
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Go Orange with A.S.P.C.A. this April!

All of you have heard of the A.S.P.C.A. (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), but I bet you didn't know that this non-profit organization was founded in 1866 and was the first humane organization estabished in the Americas. Today it has over 1 million supporters in North America.

Three years ago the ASPCA sponsored an adoption event in NY City and it has grown in to a huge celebration across the nation. Now, the ASPCA has made April --Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month--

They encourage everyone to 'Go Orange For Animals' and support ASPCA this month.

O.K. How do you support them? You can host a bake sale at your church, have a benefit concert, volunteer at your local shelter, do a walk-a-thon, bike-a-thon, car wash or just contribute.

If you are planning an event, visit their site at to enter the community leader contest. They will award the winner with the most extraordinary 'Go Orange" effort a $500 American Express Gift Card and a $1000 grant to the animal shelter or rescue group of their choice.

So, get active, make a difference and 'Go Orange' to support the efforts of the ASPCA.