
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nina Ottosson interactive toys- For Cats Too!

Cherokee County Animal Shelter has been purchasing the Nina Ottosson interactive puzzle toys for their shelter dogs and cats.

We thought we would share their e-mail and photos.
"Ann- Here are some photos of our cats using the spinny-- THEY LOVED IT!-- LORI"
"Thanks again for your speedy shipping and great service! We look forward to ordering more from you."
Lori K.
CCAS Shelter Friends Volunteer Coordinator
For this week only- 10% off all the Nina Ottosson puzzle toys- We used to think only the dogs liked them, but cats figured out how to get to those treats to!
Mickey's Pet Supplies is a natural pet store for holistic, organic, eco-friendly pet supplies.
Find organic dog treats, cat treats, free range dog chews, Wholesome Hide rawhides, unique dog toys, Go Cat toys and much more.