
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bite O' Blue Blueberry dog treats

Mickey's Pet Supplies is excited to announce that they now carry Bite O' Blue blueberry dog treats.
These blueberry treats are as natural as you can get. The chewy treats contain only blueberries and apples and the crunchy are blueberry and potato.  Peaked Mountain farms in Maine grows blueberries on low bush plants yielding only the best blueberries- highest in anti oxidants. 
Did you know that blueberries contain the highest level of anti oxidants of all fruits and vegetables?

These treats are so natural and sustainable, that you can actually plant a treat and have a blueberry plant grow? Mickey's Pet Supplies is a natural pet store with only the finest in cat and dog products.
You receive products that have been hand chosen and personally sorted to make sure that you receive only the best for your pet.  Unlike other stores, we treat every customer like family.
 We offer free shipping on orders of $75 or more.