
Friday, June 22, 2012

Shoo! Tags-Customer Reviews

Are you looking for a chemical-free, natural flea product?

Shoo!Tags for dogs from Energetic Solutions may be your answer.
The shoo tags remain effective for 4 months.
They use electromagnetic frequencies that combine with your pet's energy to create a barrier to keep pesky fleas and ticks away.  Do they work?  Read for yourself.

We wanted to share our customers feedback on the shoo!tags.

"This is the third year I have used shoo tags and have been very happy with them. 2 of my 4 dogs do agility and herding so they are  exposed other dogs and nature everyday. I am into the all natural and holistic care of my dogs and this product has proved to be a winner. I love that it's non-toxic!! I also have to say that Mickey's Pet Supplies is AWESOME! Great prices and SUPER fast sevice! 10* Stars!"- customer from Cuyahoga Falls, OH

"I've had very good experience with the shoo tags. I've been using them on both of my retrievers for about a year now."-customer from Big Pine Keys, FL

"A lot of people do not think that these work, but I really think that they do. I use these on both of my dogs. We went for a hike through the woods w/ my Mom and her dog who does not use the shoo! tags. When we got back to the car we noticed that her dog was covered in ticks and I mean hundreds of them. Each of my dogs had only about 5 ticks on them and I would say that is because of their shoo! tags. We must have walked through a nest or something to get that many ticks, so I don't mind having to pull 5 ticks off instead of a few hundred! I love that I'm not exposing my dogs to harsh chemicals that may cause just as much damage as what they are trying to prevent. The only thing about the shoo! tags is that the magnetic strip has to face the animals body. I use a Rubit tag clip because it keeps it facing the correct way and it allows me to move all of their tags from collar to collar."-customer from Centreville, MD

We have been using the shoo!tags for dogs since their introduction. Once we did our research on the side effects of topical treatments such as Frontline the decision was easy.  Our home is nestled into a very wooded area in North Carolina and this year has been the year of the flea.  The mild winter all over the U.S. has really taken it's toll. The flea population is very much alive and in full force.

If you are doubting if the shoo! tags work, give them a try for 30 days.  If they don't work, we will refund your purchase price.  No problem.

We also carry other natural flea products including shampoos,dips,sprays, diatomaceous earth.

Mickey's Pet Supplies offers very inexpensive shipping at only $3.85 for First Class Mail or $5.95 for Priority Mail.  You will find the lowest prices on many natural pet products for cats and dogs and FREE shipping on your order of $75 or more.