Apples, Bananas, Cheerios, Cheese, Baby Food, Cream Cheese, Tuna, Yogurt (plain, lowfat, unsweetened, unflavored), peaches, and so much more! We'll list a few fun and delicious Kong stuffing recipes to get you started!
Calming Kong
Ingredients: A portion of your dog's normal kibble, about a dessertspoon of cottage cheese, a chunk of banana (about an inch thick)
Method: Half fill the Kong with kibble, then spoon in most of the cottage cheese. Holding your hand over the large opening, shake the Kong to coat the kibble in the cottage cheese. Add some more kibble, packing it in well, then top with the remainder of the cottage cheese before plugging the large opening with the banana.
Food Fact: Cottage cheese contains a good source of the protein amino-acid 'casein' which the body converts into naturally occurring opioids that have a calming affect. This is especially useful to help separation distressed dogs to feel more relaxed when alone. Bananas are also thought to have a calming affect.

- Combine bran cereal with some peanut butter for a good source of fiber.
- Plain Yogurt and mashed bananas. (You can also add a little peanut butter or other fruits). Then freeze it.
- Combine some plain yogurt, canned pumpkin, and cooked rice in a small baggie. Mix well inside the bag, then snip off a corner of the bag and squeeze it into the Kong toy. Freeze.
- Combine applesauce with chunks of fruit. Freeze.
- Soak some of your dog's regular food in water (or chicken/beef broth) for a brief time before placing it inside a Kong. Then freeze. (Great for dogs with allergies)
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