Thursday, September 30, 2010

Louisville Dog Thrown From Moving Vehicle

Another story of unbelievable animal cruelty. Why and how could someone do this to an animal is beyond us. There are several news stories on this trajic event.

Louisville Dog Thrown From Moving Vehicle
A young border collie named Hope is fighting for her life in Louisville, after someone tossed her out of a moving vehiclA young border collie named Hope is fighting for her life in Louisville, after someone tossed her out of a moving vehicle.
It's a race against time, and injury for the dog, only a year old.
On Tuesday, Hope was thrown from a moving vehicle and then immediately hit by an on-coming car.
But the trauma team at the Louisville Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Services is making efforts to keep her alive.
Hope is suffering from fractures in her pelvis, femur, and one in her spine, but doctors are still hoping for the best.
"It's an emotional case for everybody. It's difficult to believe that someone would do that. Ah, we don't work any harder on this case than we do on any others, but it's difficult not to get emotional about these cases," says Dr. Scott Rizzo.
$12,000 is needed to help cover Hope's medical bills. Courtesy of WKBO news online.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) Two animal groups are raising money to help a dog that was thrown from a car traveling on Interstate 65 in Louisville.
The Shamrock Foundation Arrow Fund and No Kill Louisville are accepting donations to help a female border collie they are calling Hope. The Courier-Journal reports medical treatment for the animal could cost up to $12,000.
Metro Animal Services spokeswoman Jackie Gulbe says the animal was thrown Tuesday afternoon from a dark car.
Rebecca Eaves of the Shamrock Foundation Arrow Fund said the dog suffered several fractures and a dislocated hip.
Donations can be made at and at
Reposted courtesty of: The Courier-Journal,

Mickey's Pet Supplies supports the efforts of animal rescue and animal cruelty. We wish Hope a speedy recovery. Our prayers are with her.
Mickey's Pet Supplies is a natural pet supplies store specializing in natural pet treats and dog chews, Nina Ottosson dog toys, cat toys, holistic pet products and more. 877-863-5431

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nina Ottosson Dog Toys on SALE

Mickey's Pet Supplies loves the Nina Ottosson dog toys. So, to celebrate cooler weather, we are offering 10% off Nina Ottosson dog toys. Coupon code NINA at checkout- coupon expires October 31st. Visit us at
We are a Natural pet store with interactive cat and dog toys. We only carry the highest quality products. Free shipping on $75 order. Call 877-863-5431
Nina Ottosson dog toys are mentally stimulating for your dog and cats.

Nina has won many awards, including the coveted New York pet fashion week Lifestyle Innovation award in August 2010.

Her puzzle toys are categorized in difficulty levels .
The games and toys have different degrees of difficulty, graded 1,2 and 3. Some are a little easier and are great to begin with. Some games are a bit more difficult, and some are more advanced and are excellent to use for dogs that need extra mental stimulation.​
Level 1
For beginners, puppies, older dogs and dogs that are difficult to motivate.
Dog Spinny-Is rated a level 1- or beginner toy-​Hide some treats in the depressions under the rotating discs. Let your dog/cat turn the disc with its paw or nose in order to find the hidden goodies through the hole in the rotating disc.
Dog Magic-Rated level 1-Hide treats under the hollow white plastic blocks.
Let the dog look for the treats by trying to lift or push away one block after the other with its nose or paw, in order to find the hidden treats. A very fun and activating game for you and your dog/cat.

Level 2
Medium, fits most dogs.

Dog Finder-Rated level 2-The dog is to look for treats by moving blocks in four different directions. The block can only be lifted at the end of each track. Under each block there is a depression where treats can be hidden…

Dog Tornado has four layers of rotating discs. In three layers there are compartments where treats can be hidden. The dog/cat has to learn to rotate the different layers in different directions with its nose or paw in order to find the hidden goodies. This is for level 2-level 3 players

Dog Brick is rated for level 2-3 and requires your dog to first dislodge the removable bones, then push the sliding covers with their paw or nose to access the hidden dog treats. Watch your dog push open the bones with his sense of smell to find the treats. Made of a durable plastic that is dishwasher safe. The level of difficulty for the Brick can be varied, depending upon the dog's experience and his enthusiasm for the game.
Dog Twister is rated for level 2-3. Your dog is to look for treats by moving one block after another in a circle in different directions; the blocks can also be locked in position by a bone-shaped peg on the up-side of the game. There are depressions under the blocks where treats can be hidden. This puzzle toy is priced a little less than the wooden version and you can put it in the dishwasher to clean.

Level 3
Advanced, for "smart" dogs and dogs that need extra mental stimulation.
Dog Casino -Your dog looks for treats by pulling out the flaps in different directions. In each flap there is a compartment where the treat can be hidden. Increase the degree of difficulty by locking the flaps using the bone-shaped pegs on top.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Coconut Oil for dogs and cats

The health and nutritional benefits that can be derived from consuming coconut oil have been recognized in many parts of the world for centuries. Virgin Coconut Oil is the richest natural source of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs).

Nationally known holistic vet, Dr. Becker discusses the aging brain and mental decline in dogs. She gives top tips for keeping dogs sharp and nourishing the brain. One of her top tips: "Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) have been shown to improve brain energy metabolism and decrease the amyloid protein buildup that results in brain lesions in older dogs. COCONUT OIL is a rich source of MCTs. I recommend 1/4 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of body weight twice daily for basic MCT support."

CocoTherapy Virgin Organic Coconut Oil can be found at
So what is in virgin coconut oil that make it so wonderful?
Lauric Acid--is a medium chain fatty acid which is abundant in coconut oil, and considered responsible for many of its health benefits. Coconut oil is about 50% lauric acid. The only other abundant source found in nature is in human breast milk.

Here are some of the benefits of using coconut oil in your dog's diet:

  • Improves digestion and nutrient absorption

  • Helps control body and breath odor

  • Aids in elimination of hairballs and coughing

  • Aids healing of digestive disorders like inflammatory bowel syndrome and colitis

  • Contains powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal agents that prevent infection and disease

  • Prevents and treats yeast and fungal infections, including candida

  • Promotes normal thyroid function Helps prevent or control diabetes

  • Aids in arthritis relief

  • Reduces allergic reactions

  • Improves skin health and hair condition

  • Disinfects cuts and promotes wound healing

  • As an antioxidant, it is 50 times more potent than Vitamin E, 15 times more potent than carrots, and 300 times more potent than tomatoes.

Pet owners have been finding that using coconut oil with their dogs has improved ear infections, dermatitis, flea allergies and using it on their dog's feet, softens and conditions paw pads too.

Your dog or cat will love the taste of coconut oil.

Give it a try and see all the great benefits. Use coupon code COCO at checkout for 20% off your order of coconut oil- Good through September 25th only.

Mickey's Pet Supplies has holisitic and organic supplies for cats and dogs- Free Range dog chews, Wholesome Hide rawhides, Vitamins and Supplements for cats and dogs, Interactive dog toys, Cat Toys, Herbals- Animal Essentials/Animals Apawthecary, All Natural dog and cat treats. Low prices, personal service, same day shipping

FREE shipping on $75 orders. Call 877-863-5431 anytime.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Free Range Bully Sticks In Stock--Sale

Mickey's Pet Supplies has GENUINE Free Range MOO Bully Sticks In Stock.
FREE shipping on $75 Order.

We have Bully Jrs. in the 6 inch and 12 inch length starting at $.79 each

Our Bully Selects 12 inch just arrived- These are the medium grade thickness bully sticks.
Here is how the thickness is rated by Free Range MOO brand dog chew
Bully Jr.-thinnest
Bully regular
Bully Select
Bully Premium
Bully Monster

Check out our wide selection of all the Free Range MOO dog chews.

We have the largest selection of any store with the lowest prices.

Take $5 off your $50 order with coupon code GR50 at checkout.

Hurry, this offer expires September 25th.

Call 877-863-5431 anytime.

We guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Nina Ottosson Dog Toys

Autumn is coming and school is starting. Time to get out the toys and play with your dog.
All Nina Ottosson Dog Toys are on sale this week in celebration of Labor Day.
Use coupon code NINA at checkout for 10% off all our Nina Ottosson Interactive Toys.
We carry the Nina Ottosson toys that are made of durable plastic and are easy to clean, dishwasher safe, and have non-stick feet to keep them in place.
Check out the new Dog Twister, Dog Casino and Dog Finder in the plastic version and the wonderful Dog Brick, Dog Spinny, Dog Tornado and Dog Magic puzzle toys.

Mickey's Pet Supplies-

Call 877-863-5431 to order

FREE shipping on $75 order.

Dog saves boy from bee attack

KENT, Ohio -- A hero dog is getting some well-deserved credit for saving her best friend after a swarm of bees attacked on Sunday."I had an allergic reaction, because I didn't know I was allergic to bees," said Richie Bragg, 9.Richie was in his yard when he spotted the bees and couldn't escape. He was stung four times on his foot. It could have worse, but his 18-week-old dog "Pinky" managed to distract the bees, who diverted their attention to the Boxer. "They just got onto Pinky and a whole bunch of bees followed her," said Richie.

Richie made it inside and Pinky also ran for the house, but the bees stayed with the dog. "She was yelping when she got to the door," said Richie. He has a blood condition that affects how his blood clots and his parents say he faced a possible medical emergency if the bees weren't distracted by the family pet.Richie's mom rushed Pinky to the Stow Kent Animal Hospital, where Dr. Jaime Marietti treated the pup who was stung more than 40 times. "You couldn't either of her eyes, she was swollen completely," said Dr. Marietti. "Her ears were actually swollen and sticking straight out because they were so swollen."Dr. Marietti said they see an increase in bee sting cases during the summer, but Pinky's case was potentially serious. "Boxers, especially, tend to be a little bit more allergic to bees, however she had an anaphylactic reaction," said Dr. Marietti. "We were trying to get her through this, she never even looked at us, she never lifted her head up, she didn't pay attention to anything."Pinky is doing better and so is Richie, who credits the dog with coming to his rescue. "Pinky, you really saved my life!"
This story is from LA Times Friday, September 3rd
See video at:,0,6158480.story
Mickey's Pet Supplies is a natural pet store with Holistic pet supplies, Free Range dog chews, Wholesome Hide rawhides and Made in USA pet products. Low prices and FREE shipping on $75 order. Call 877-863-5431 or visit