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Nina Ottosson dog toys are mentally stimulating for your dog and cats.
Nina has won many awards, including the coveted New York pet fashion week Lifestyle Innovation award in August 2010.
Her puzzle toys are categorized in difficulty levels .
The games and toys have different degrees of difficulty, graded 1,2 and 3. Some are a little easier and are great to begin with. Some games are a bit more difficult, and some are more advanced and are excellent to use for dogs that need extra mental stimulation.
Level 1
For beginners, puppies, older dogs and dogs that are difficult to motivate.
The games and toys have different degrees of difficulty, graded 1,2 and 3. Some are a little easier and are great to begin with. Some games are a bit more difficult, and some are more advanced and are excellent to use for dogs that need extra mental stimulation.
Level 1
For beginners, puppies, older dogs and dogs that are difficult to motivate.
Dog Spinny-Is rated a level 1- or beginner toy-Hide some treats in the depressions under the rotating discs. Let your dog/cat turn the disc with its paw or nose in order to find the hidden goodies through the hole in the rotating disc.
Dog Magic-Rated level 1-Hide treats under the hollow white plastic blocks.
Let the dog look for the treats by trying to lift or push away one block after the other with its nose or paw, in order to find the hidden treats. A very fun and activating game for you and your dog/cat.
Let the dog look for the treats by trying to lift or push away one block after the other with its nose or paw, in order to find the hidden treats. A very fun and activating game for you and your dog/cat.
Level 2
Medium, fits most dogs.
Dog Finder-Rated level 2-The dog is to look for treats by moving blocks in four different directions. The block can only be lifted at the end of each track. Under each block there is a depression where treats can be hidden…
Dog Tornado has four layers of rotating discs. In three layers there are compartments where treats can be hidden. The dog/cat has to learn to rotate the different layers in different directions with its nose or paw in order to find the hidden goodies. This is for level 2-level 3 players
Dog Brick is rated for level 2-3 and requires your dog to first dislodge the removable bones, then push the sliding covers with their paw or nose to access the hidden dog treats. Watch your dog push open the bones with his sense of smell to find the treats. Made of a durable plastic that is dishwasher safe. The level of difficulty for the Brick can be varied, depending upon the dog's experience and his enthusiasm for the game.
Dog Twister is rated for level 2-3. Your dog is to look for treats by moving one block after another in a circle in different directions; the blocks can also be locked in position by a bone-shaped peg on the up-side of the game. There are depressions under the blocks where treats can be hidden. This puzzle toy is priced a little less than the wooden version and you can put it in the dishwasher to clean.
Level 3
Advanced, for "smart" dogs and dogs that need extra mental stimulation.
Advanced, for "smart" dogs and dogs that need extra mental stimulation.
Dog Casino -Your dog looks for treats by pulling out the flaps in different directions. In each flap there is a compartment where the treat can be hidden. Increase the degree of difficulty by locking the flaps using the bone-shaped pegs on top.