Everyone has their own favorite routines to bathe their
pets. Many owners just use human shampoo to maintain a fresh smelling coat. But
there’s a reason why pets have their own special shampoo, and no, it’s not just
because of marketing purposes.
Good pet shampoos are superior to human products, and here’s
why. Most human shampoos can be very harsh on your pets, even for us humans!
The chemicals and fragrances in most brands are actually working against your pet’s
natural ability to maintain their beautiful skin and coat. They may smell
better, but it’s negative damage overall. Often the damage is so gradual that
many pet owners don’t notice the effects.

If your pet has rashes, or has somewhat irritated, dry,
flaky, and/or peeling skin then it may be time to re-evaluate what you’re using
on them. If that’s already the case, try a natural oatmeal shampoo, also made
for pets, which can relieve such irritations.
So now we’ve talked about human versus pet shampoo, but what
makes one pet shampoo better than another? There are so many different options
that it can be very overwhelming. When in doubt, read the label. An ideal pet
shampoo will contain no soap or detergents, and even better if it has either
low fragrance or no fragrance at all.

Back to the no-soap talk. “But isn’t soap what cleans my
pet?” Well, yes, it does, but that’s because soap is a powerful surfactant that
removes oil secretions from the skin. Is it needed in a pet shampoo? No. Why?
Some breeds and species are prone to sensitive skin and others suffer from
allergies. A soap-free shampoo will help soothe itching and keep your best pal
clean at the same time. Plus, if you are using a flea treatment, only soap-free
shampoos will not remove the treatment from your pets because the flea
treatment needs the natural oils of your pet to absorb into the skin.
Avoid commercial shampoos with polyethylene glycol, a
petroleum used as a base for cosmetics that can be an irritant; sodium lauryl
sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate, both detergents frequently found in canine
Good pet shampoos made without soap generally contain
ingredients such as oatmeal, coconut, essential oils or aloe vera. Look for
labels that read ‘organic’ or ‘natural’, but always check the ingredients to be
sure the product doesn’t contain soap.
“But wait, what about conditioner?” It’s not needed. A
conditioner’s main purpose is to cover up the damage done by shampoo by
replacing natural hair oils with artificial oils. If you are using a soap-free
shampoo, you are already using a wonderful product to clean your pet without
removing all of its natural oils, so there is no need to ‘cover up damage’.
Conditioners stay on the hair and get absorbed by your scalp. Imagine how much
fur your pet has compared to your hair. That is a lot of absorption!
Looking for a great start to soap-free shampoo? Mickey’s PetSupplies has some wonderful shampoos for every need!
- For general bathing: Cloud Star Buddy Wash Lavender and Mint and Earthbath Oatmeal and Aloe Shampoo.
- For dogs that need some coat whitening: Veterinary Formula Snow White Shampoo and Tropiclean Awapuhi White Coat Shampoo.
- For puppies and kittens: Tropiclean Puppy and Kitten Shampoo.
- Facial Cleanser: Spa Lavish Tear Stain Remover.
- And our fragrance free shampoo: Earthbath Oatmeal and Aloe Fragrance Free (perfect for all animals over 6 weeks)