Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jax and Bones dog toys on sale

Jax and Bones dog toys are on Sale through Monday January 3rd.
Coupon Code- JAXFUN checkout for 15% off.
Jax & Bones rope toys are 100% Naturally Dyed Cotton using Azo free vegetable dyes. They are hand pulled and hand tied with no machinery involved.
These toys are wonderful for cleaning your dog's teeth naturally while playing.
We have many styles and sizes available for small to large dogs.
Jax Elephant, Giraffe, Snowman, Cat, Duck, Wreath, Lobster, Camel.
Mickey's Pet Supplies is your online source for high quality toys, treats and dog chews.
Call 877-83-5431

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thinking About The Cats

Click on the link to Cat section. All of our cat pet supplies are hand picked for the best quality pet products at the lowest prices! A new shipment of cat wands from Go Cat! including the most popular Sparkler cat wand are now in.

Cat Christmas Safety:
Cat World Article
Holly, mistletoe, poinsettias are all popular plants to have in the home at Christmas, especially in the northern hemisphere. These plants are toxic to cats so should be placed where your cat can't get to them. Please see our page on common household toxins for an extensive list on toxic & non toxic plants.
Some cats love the attention of visitors, others find strangers in their house stressful. Christmas is often a busy time with visitors coming & going. Be mindful of your cat's feelings & give the cat the option of somewhere quiet to escape to should the need arise, this is particularly important if your friends & relatives have young children.
Xmas ribbons/wrap
Rbbons etc., pose the same problem as tinsel, if eaten, it may lead to intestinal blockages. It's important to ensure all ribbons/wrap etc., are safely disposed of.
Many cat owners enjoy giving their cat the occasional treat of "human" food & generally this doesn't harm the cat. However, it is important to remember that some foods which are fine for humans to eat can be toxic to cats. The odd sliver of chicken or turkey (off the bone) is fine, however it really isn't a good idea to give them large quantities of such food as this can lead to gastrointestinal problems. Never give your cat cooked chicken or turkey bones, these bones can splinter & can become lodged in your cat's throat or puncture the intestines & stomach. Chocolate is toxic to cats, the darker the chocolate, the more toxic. Chocolate contains both caffeine & theobromine, which are both toxic. If you suspect your cat has eaten chocolate watch for signs of restlessness & vomiting, if in doubt, see your vet.
Cats will often scavenge for food in the garbage so be aware that if you've covered your turkey with foil & thrown it in the bin, your cat may drag it out & chew on it which could make the cat sick. Cooked turkey bones will also attract your cat. Be aware of this & if possible, take your food scraps etc., to your outside bin.
Christmas Tree/Decorations
The only fool proof way to keep your cat away from your Christmas tree is to put the tree in a room the cat can't access. Unfortunately, this is often not practical. So the next best solution is to make the tree as safe as possible. Real Christmas trees are more dangerous to cats than fake plastic ones. Pine needles can puncture internal organs if eaten, they are also toxic to cats. If you do have a real tree, make sure the drink stand has plenty of water to prevent the tree drying out & losing needles. It is important that your cat isn't able to get to this water & drink it as it could result in poisoning. Ensure the tree has a good solid base so it won't easily be knocked over by your cat. Try not to have the tree near furniture & or shelves which the cats could use to jump onto the tree. Be careful with tinsel, if you must have it on your tree, place it at the top of the tree where the cat is less likely to be able to get at it. Tinsel can be caught around the base or move down to the intestines & stomach & cause a blockage, which will result in emergency (and costly) surgery to remove it. A safer alternative are the strands of beads. Ornaments should be securely attached to the tree to prevent them being knocked off. Also place delicate ornaments up high where they're less likely to be knocked off & broken. When there is nobody around, unplug Christmas lights, you may want to try applying a cat repellent such as bitter apple to the lights to deter your cat from chewing the wires, obviously if this was to happen it could cause a fatal electric shock. Artificial snow is toxic to cats, so is best avoided. Candles are especially popular over the Christmas holiday period, be careful to make sure your cat can't get close to lit candles. Please note, your cat isn't a novelty item & it's dangerous to try & decorate your cat with ribbons etc.

Mickey's Pet Supplies- Your source for High quality natural pet supplies- Free Range dog chews, Wholesome Hide rawhide and Made in USA pet products.We believe that our pets are members of our family!Choose only the best. Don't settle on cheap made in China products for your dog.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Free Range Dog Chews

Healthy Chews From Healthy Cattle
Humanely Raised: Allowed to roam freely, Fed by nature, Never put in feedlots, Less stressful lifestyle, No need for antibiotics, No hard to digest corn, No high stomach acidity, Not given steroids

Eco Friendly: No pesticides used, Processed fresh, Less fossil fuel use, Old fashioned crop rotation, Powered by sun and rain, Low carbon footprint, Environment sustained, No rainforest use
Nutritious: Higher in protein, Lower in fat, Higher in CLA, Lower in calories, More vitamin A, B & E, Higher in calcium, More beta carotene, Extra omega 3's

Benefits are apparent in every product made, from odor-free bully sticks to natural treats with only 1 to 2 ingredients from beef, chicken, duck, fish, pork, lamb and rabbit.Debbie Claypool, vice president of Marketing with Free Range Dog Chews, based in Monroe, MI states,
"The stop for dog treats has become a hunt for those that were as close to nature as possible, with the shortest list of ingredients and preferably ones that the average person could pronounce. Our recent move to Argentina for the high quality Angus beef has allowed us to go to the next level by being even more conscious of the environment."
(Pet Product News, Julie Washburn, June 2010, Pg. 44)

Mickey's Pet Supplies- Your source for High quality natural pet supplies- Free Range dog chews, Wholesome Hide rawhide and Made in USA pet products.We believe that our pets are members of our family!Choose only the best. Don't settle on cheap made in China products for your dog.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Snook's Sweet Potato Dog Chews named Best Product by Dog Fancy

Dog Fancy Magazine has given Snook's Sweet Potato dog chews it's Editor's Choice award in it's December issue.
These sweet potato dog chews are really cool. Patrice at Snook's only gets her sweet potato from their known Organic farmer in Oregon. They slice them and dry them in large chunks.
They are available on their chews on a rope or in the 1 lb. bags.
We took these to the Metro Detroit Pet Exp and they were a huge hit. We sold out of them and now they are back in stock.
When we get them in, they always go very fast.
Use coupon code 510 for $5 off $50 order -Expires 12/31/10
Mickey's Pet Supplies- Your source for High quality natural pet supplies- Free Range dog chews, Wholesome Hide rawhide and Made in USA pet products.
We believe that our pets are members of our family!
Choose only the best. Don't settle on cheap made in China products for your dog.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Hot Deal during the Cool Holidays!

Take 25% off of anything already in the clearance section by using the code MICK25 at checkout.

Proper Care For Animals In Cold Weather
by Elsie Hodnett
St Clair Times

With cold weather upon us, animal control officers urge pet owners to take the proper precautions to safely care for their pets. “A general rule of thumb — if it’s too cold for you, most likely it is too cold for your pet,” said Pell City animal control officer Rose Ogden. Ogden said she has received several calls from individuals concerned about dogs on chains in yards. “Even if the dog has a doghouse, some days it is still too cold for the dogs to be outside,” she said. Ogden said some breeds of dogs are better protected from the cold than other breeds.“Short-haired breeds of dogs, and also puppies and older dogs won’t be able to handle the cold as well as long-haired healthy adult dogs,” she said. Ogden said short-haired dogs, puppies and older dogs should be brought inside when the temperature is below freezing.“Dogs do need exercise, but consider the dog’s age and length of coat when you let it out for exercise,” she said. “You can let it out for short periods of time.”Ogden said outside dogs should have a well-insulated doghouse. “There should be adequate room in the doghouse for the dog to turn around and lie down comfortably, but not so big that the dog’s body heat can’t keep the inside of the doghouse warm,” she said. “A large structure such as a shed is not adequate shelter, because the dog won’t be able to use its body heat to keep warm.” Ogden said dogs should have dry bedding at all times, especially if the weather is wet. “Blankets can be warm, but if the blanket gets wet it can cause more harm than good,” she said. Ogden said using a wooden pallet to raise the doghouse off the ground can help keep the doghouse drier. “Check your dog’s bedding regularly,” she said. Ogden said straw bedding can also be used, but owners should make sure to change the bedding if it gets wet or soiled.“Pet owners should also check their dog’s water bowls frequently, and remove any accumulation of ice,” she said. Ogden said a quick and inexpensive way to insulate a dog’s water bowl is to take a tire and place a bucket of water inside the tire. Then place small rocks around the bucket inside the tire.“The sun will heat the rocks and help keep the water from freezing,” she said. “But you should still check the water every time you check on your dog, especially in the mornings.”Ogden said this year she is focusing on educating the public and helping animals in need while their owners are gone for the day.“So far, everyone I have spoken with has been very cooperative,” she said. “If the animal is in immediate danger and I can’t locate the owner or provide for the animal until the owner is located, then the animal is taken to the Pell City Animal Shelter for temporary care until the owner is located."
Mickey's Pet Supplies specializes in All Natural, Organic, Holistic, Eco-Friendly pet supplies for cats and dogs A family owned store where their customer and their pets needs are their number one priority. This online discount pet supplies store only carries the highest quality products from top names. Most of their products are made in the USA. They believe that your pet is a part of your family and they deserve the best. Take 25% off of the CLEARANCE section with the code MICK25.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Holiday Survival Guide - For the dogs!

Don't forget to put the family pet on the holiday checklist during this hectic season! Check out the link above for some dog chews to keep them busy and entertained! Here are a few good tips from an article I found...

Dog Lovers' Holiday Survival Guide Getting Through the Holiday Season With Your Dog
By Jenna Stregowski, Guide

The holiday season can be both fun and stressful, but proper planning can help prevent the latter. Your dog can tell when you are stressed out, so it can affect her too. As the winter holidays approach, we can become overwhelmed with all the preparations that go into festivities and gift giving. However, your dog and loved ones just want you to be happy and healthy. So, make a list and check it twice, but don't go overboard. Learn how to make the holiday season go smoothly for you and your dog, whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Solstice or anything else.

1. Holiday Safety for Dogs
First and foremost, you need to maintain a safe environment for your dog. With the holidays come new decorations, tempting foods and all kinds of trouble for a curious dog. Take plenty of precautions and prevent a New Year's Eve trip to the animal emergency clinic.
2. Great Gifts for Dog Lovers
Think the dog lover in your life has everything? Think again. Here are some gift ideas that should make just about any dog lover smile this holiday. If you still cannot decide what to give, do not fret. When in doubt, a gift card to the local pet supply store will be much appreciated.
3. Top Dog Gifts
Our dogs might not know it's the holiday season, but that doesn't mean they wont enjoy opening gifts. While some people may think that giving presents to dogs is "out there," most dog owners actually do give presents to their dogs. With all the hustle and bustle, your dog will enjoy the extra attention. Plus, getting a good laugh out of watching your dog tear into wrapping paper can be entertaining.
4. Why Dogs are Not Gifts
A new puppy in a bow on Christmas morning is the stuff of children's dreams. However, this is as far as it should go. As cute as it may seem to give a new dog as a gift, it can actually be a terrible idea. Holiday gift dogs can be soon forgotten like all the new toys and gadgets. Video games and dolls are one thing, but a dog is alive and in need of attention. If someone you care about is interested in getting a dog, give a book about dog ownership or a dog accessory as a gift. After the holidays, if that person is truly ready for a dog, you can go along to pick one out.
5. Traveling With Dogs
For many of us, the holiday season means traveling. As a dog lover, you probably want to spend holiday time with your dog. But is bringing her along always the best choice? If you do decide to travel with your dog, make sure you make all the arrangements ahead of time and cover your bases. Last minute issues are bound to crop up, but proper planning can prevent holiday disaster.
6. Holiday Dog Photos
Phew! After all that, it's time to take a break. Relax and check out some adorable photos of dogs that are ready for the holidays. These cuties have nothing to be stressed about, and we could learn a lesson or two from them.
7. Giving Back. Charitable Gifts
The holiday season is a time of giving, and many of us want to reach out and help others. While pet charities need plenty of help all year long, the holiday season is a wonderful time to get started. You can help homeless, sick and unfortunate animals by volunteering your time, donating funds and supplies, or just setting a good example. Here's how to start giving back right now.

Mickey's Pet Supplies specializes in All Natural, Organic, Holistic, Eco-Friendly pet supplies for cats and dogs A family owned store where their customer and their pets needs are their number one priority. This online discount pet supplies store only carries the highest quality products from top names. Most of their products are made in the USA. They believe that your pet is a part of your family and they deserve the best.
Take 10% off your order of dog and cat toys-
Enter coupon code DCTOY10 at checkout
Orders of $75 and over ship for FREE.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holiday Dog Gifts-Choose ones that give back

Finding the right dog toy is sometimes a challenge. Why not choose a dog toy that also gives back proceeds to a charity or a foundation that benefits the lives of animals.

Jax & Bones carries Good Karma rope toys that are adorable, yet tough. This toy is made from earth friendly, non toxic vegetable dyed cotton and promotes good dental health. The small toys are perfect for dogs 20 pounds or less, and the large toys are just right for dogs up to 60 pounds. The rope toys include Scott the Snowman, Daphne the Deer, Gingerbread Man George, Jerry the Giraffe, Larry the Lion, CoCo the Elephant, Daisy the Duck, and a holiday wreath. These rope toys tag reads, "So go ahead and chew, tug, and play with me because it will bring you good karma and help an animal in need!"

Planet Dog, donates portions of their proceeds in order to "Sit. Speak. Act". Planet Dog Foundation provides cash grants and supports programs throughout the country that train, place, or rescue dogs that help people in need. The Orbee Tuff Glow for Good Balls profits directly go forth, 100%, to the Planet Dog Foundation. This toy is made in the USA, durable, buoyant, and is a minty flavored ball that also glows in the dark! It has a 5 out of 5 rating for teeth and chewing, and has a 100% product guarantee. Other products by Planet Dog carried include the Orbee Zoom Flyer, Tuff Sport Baseball, Orbee Tuff Tennis Balls, Orbee Tuff ball Woof and Fetch Dog Toy, Orbee Tuff Football, Strawberry Dog Toy, and the Orbee Tuff Diamond Plate Ball. Not only will your dog be gaining joy from their Christmas gift but so will many others with the proceeds that will be going to help their cause.

Keep your dog warm this winter with a sweater. Chilly dog sweaters are made following the Fair Trade guidelines and are hand knit in the Northern Highlands of South America by 2 families that are descendants of the Inca Indians. These 100% Organic Wool sweaters are made using all natural plant and fruit dyes.

All good boy and girl dogs would like a new game to play this year. Nina Ottosson Interactive Puzzles stimulate and challenge the dog's mind. All games are made of durable plastic that is dishwasher safe. The Dog Magic, Dog spinny, and Dog Brick puzzle is the first level then goes up to harder levels with the Dog Finder, Dog Casino, and Dog Twister. Hide treats under the cups and watch your dog dislodge them with their sense of smell using their natural instincts. Cats can play this game too, and comes with a DVD training guide. From a small to large dog, from a beginner to expert...this exciting game is fun for you and your dog.

Mickey's Pet Supplies specializes in All Natural, Organic, Holistic, Eco-Friendly pet supplies for cats and dogs A family owned store where their customer and their pets needs are their number one priority. This online discount pet supplies store only carries the highest quality products from top names. Most of their products are made in the USA. They believe that your pet is a part of your family and they deserve the best.

Take 10% off your order of dog and cat toys-

Enter coupon code DCTOY10 at checkout

Orders of $75 and over ship for FREE.

Call us at 877-863-5431 to order

Friday, December 3, 2010

AKC/Eukanuba National Championship

Thousands of Dogs Descend on Southern California
Record numbers are expected at this weekend’s AKC/Eukanuba National Championship in Long Beach.
Posted: December 3, 2010, 2 a.m. EST

Article from

Forget the mall — the popular place to be this weekend is the 10th annual AKC/Eukanuba National Championship in Long Beach, Calif. Some 2,500 of the world’s top show dogs will converge on the city to compete for more than $225,000 in prize money — and major bragging rights.
Event chairman Ron Menaker expects this year’s show to produce striking matchups. “The top dogs from across the country have entered, including our new AKC Grand Champions, so we expect this event to be one of most hotly contested championships yet,” he says.
The two-day show is held in conjunction with the AKC Agility Invitational and the AKC Obedience Invitational, the Junior Showmanship competition and the Eukanuba World Challenge, making for a major, Olympic-style multidisciplinary event.

Mickey's Pet Supplies has all the natural pet supplies for your cats and dogs. Find Whole Life, Free Range dog chews, Wholesome Hide rawhides and superior quality dog and cat toys.We believe in earth-friendly pet products and Made in USA products so you will find a great selection on our website.Call 877-863-5431 or visit us at are all about our customers and guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.Personal service, low prices and the highest quality natural pet treats recommended by Whole Dog Journal.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Free Range Dog Chews - Moo Bully Sticks

Free Range Dog Chews on Sale!

In Stock: 12" Select, 12" Supreme, Achilles Tendons, 6" Bully Springs, Beef Tripe Springs, Steer Sticks, Bully Braids 6" and 12"

Coming Soon: Bully Braid 5"

Free Shipping on Orders $75 or more.

Mickey's Pet Supplies has all the natural pet supplies for your cats and dogs. Find Whole Life, Free Range dog chews, Wholesome Hide rawhides and superior quality dog and cat toys.
We believe in earth-friendly pet products and Made in USA products so you will find a great selection on our website.

Call 877-863-5431 or visit us at
We are all about our customers and guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.
Personal service, low prices and the highest quality natural pet treats recommended by Whole Dog Journal.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Whole Life Pet Treats- Turkey has arrived

Whole Life Pet Treats- Have you heard about them? These are amazing freeze-dried raw meat only treats for pets.

They use only the highest quality human-grade meats in their freeze-dried treats.

The company is based in Pittsfield, MA and the founder truly founded the company on his personal passion to give pets only the best treats. Their meat treats are processed in the same facilities that freeze dry foods for human consumption and therefore are under strict USDA inspection and supervision.

Now they just introduced Turkey treats- They are available in 4 oz and 10 oz. resealable packages.

Why feed freeze-dried treats?

Freeze-drying provides very unique benefits and advantages over other food processing methods. Frozen foods maintain their fresh flavor, but they must remain frozen. Dehydrated and canned foods are shelf-stable, but their high-temperature processing reduces their flavor, texture, color, and nutrients. Freeze-drying combines the best of these methods--it locks in the freshness, color, original shape, texture, and aroma of frozen food while providing the shelf-stable convenience of canned or dehydrated food.

Whole Life pet treats are single meat ingredient treats, so they are all protein- low in calories and high in treat value. They are wonderful training treats!

We were turned on to these delicious treats through a customer that had requested we carry them. We know our cats and dog love them. Personally, I cannot leave them anywhere on a counter because our animals will carry them off!

Cats and dogs both love these.

Find Turkey, Chicken, Cod, Beef and Beef Liver Whole Life pet treats at Mickey's Pet Supplies.

We ship for free on orders of $75 and over.

Mickey's Pet Supplies has all the natural pet supplies for your cats and dogs. Find Whole Life, Free Range dog chews, Wholesome Hide rawhides and superior quality dog and cat toys.

We believe in earth-friendly pet products and Made in USA products so you will find a great selection on our website.

Call 877-863-5431 or visit us at

We are all about our customers and guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.

Personal service, low prices and the highest quality natural pet treats recommended by Whole Dog Journal.

Nina Ottoson Dog Toy Discount!

Nina Ottosson Dog Toys - Dog Brick, Dog Spinny, Dog Magic, Dog Twister, Dog Casino and Dog Finder all on sale at Mickey's Pet Supplies.
15% off November 29th - December 10

Use Code at Checkout: NINA15
Mickey's Pet Supplies- Natural pet store for the highest quality products for cats and dogs

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Safety Tips for Dogs

‘Tis the season for friends, family and holiday feasts—but also for possible distress for our animal companions. Pets won’t be so thankful if they munch on undercooked turkey or a pet-unfriendly floral arrangement, or if they stumble upon an unattended alcoholic drink.

Check out the following tips from ASPCA experts for a fulfilling Thanksgiving that your pets can enjoy, too.

Talkin’ Turkey
If you decide to feed your pet a little nibble of turkey, make sure it’s boneless and well-cooked. Don't offer her raw or undercooked turkey, which may contain salmonella bacteria.

Sage Advice
Sage can make your Thanksgiving stuffing taste delish, but it and many other herbs contain essential oils and resins that can cause gastrointestinal upset and central nervous system depression to pets if eaten in large quantities. Cats are especially sensitive to the effects of certain essential oils.

No Bread Dough
Don't spoil your pet’s holiday by giving him raw bread dough. According to ASPCA experts, when raw bread dough is ingested, an animal's body heat causes the dough to rise in his stomach. As it expands, the pet may experience vomiting, severe abdominal pain and bloating, which could become a life-threatening emergency, requiring surgery.

Don't Let Them Eat Cake
If you’re baking up Thanksgiving cakes, be sure your pets keep their noses out of the batter, especially if it includes raw eggs—they could contain salmonella bacteria that may lead to food poisoning.

Too Much of a Good Thing
A few small boneless pieces of cooked turkey, a taste of mashed potato or even a lick of pumpkin pie shouldn’t pose a problem. However, don't allow your pets to overindulge, as they could wind up with a case of stomach upset, diarrhea or even worse—an inflammatory condition of the pancreas known as pancreatitis. In fact, it’s best keep pets on their regular diets during the holidays.

A Feast Fit for a Kong
While the humans are chowing down, give your cat and dog their own little feast. Offer them Nylabones or made-for-pet chew bones. Or stuff their usual dinner—perhaps with a few added tidbits of turkey, vegetables (try sweet potato or green beans) and dribbles of gravy—inside a Kong toy. They’ll be happily occupied for awhile, working hard to extract their dinner from the toy.

Article from ASPCA website.

Mickey's Pet Supplies- The largest source of Free Range Moo brand dog chews, natural pet supplies, Wholesome Hide rawhides, high quality interactive dog and cat toys, Lead free ceramic dog bowls and cat bowls and more. 877-863-5431 Free shipping on $75 order.We offer very personal service with 100% customer satisfaction. Our customers are repeat customers.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Afghanistan war hero dog Target mistakenly put down by US pound

THE tawny mixed-shepherd dog that came to be known as Target had survived the treacherous mountains of Afghanistan and seen action on an embattled American base.

She was a veteran of countless fights with other dogs; had been shot in the leg, and lived through a suicide bombing.

But she did not survive a weekend in a dog pound in a quiet suburb of Arizona.

Yesterday Ruth Stalter, the director of Pinal County's Animal Care and Control division, admitted that Target - acclaimed national hero and family pet - had been put down by accident.

"When it comes to euthanising an animal, there are some clear-cut procedures to follow," she said in a statement. "Based on my preliminary investigation, our employee did not follow those procedures."

Sergeant Terry Young, who adopted the dog in Afghanistan, said that his wife and three children were distraught. "The four-year-old is really taking it hard right now," he said. "She's saying we need to get the poison out of her so she can come home. She can't grasp the idea that she's gone."

Sergeant Young was serving as a medic at Dand Patan base, near the Afghanistan border with Pakistan, when he first encountered Target, one of three dogs living wild that were fed by the American soldiers. They named them Rufus, Sasha and Target - the latter because the Afghan men they were training constantly tried to shoot her.

One night in February a man wearing 11kg of explosives stole into the base, pausing for a moment to pray, and headed towards the building that housed the American soldiers. The three dogs attacked the bomber, waking most of the base in the process, and he detonated the explosives in a doorway. Five soldiers were wounded, and Sasha had to be put down, but Target and Rufus survived and were declared heroes. After a fundraising campaign, the dogs were taken to America to live with the families of two men who had served on the base. They became national celebrities.

Target appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, winning the hearts of millions of viewers with her large brown eyes and apparent disregard for the trappings of fame. She was honoured by the Friends of Animal Care and Control of Maricopa County, in a ceremony at the Arizona Biltmore resort, in Phoenix.

Last Friday morning she was reported missing by Sergeant Young. A neighbour found her in the street, and that evening Sergeant Young came across her picture on the pound's website.

He assumed that the shelter would be shut for the weekend - in fact, he could have picked up Target the next morning - but, as he told the Arizona Republic newspaper, he thought: "She's in the pound, at least she's safe."

He returned on Monday morning and filled out the relevant paperwork. A member of staff brought out another dog; he said that it was not his and pulled out a picture of Target.

After an hour he saw a member of staff emerge from the shelter, sobbing. A little later, the director of the centre told him that there had been a mistake.

The short and extraordinary life of Target, hero of Dand Patan military base, was over. The family plans to have the remains cremated.

Article written by Will Pavia in the Australian Times on November 17, 2010 at 2:13PM.

Mickey's Pet Supplies- The largest source of Free Range Moo brand dog chews, natural pet supplies, Wholesome Hide rawhides, high quality interactive dog and cat toys, Lead free ceramic dog bowls and cat bowls and more. 877-863-5431 Free shipping on $75 order.We offer very personal service with 100% customer satisfaction. Our customers are repeat customers.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Resvantage Canine - Longevity Supplement

Supplement Shown To Extend Life In Animal Studies
Written by Alan Gionet
CBS News Denver

Resveratrol has been a sleeper to a lot of people, but positive data just seems to keep coming. Resveratrol seems to turn on an enzyme called, sirtuin 1 that can slow down the aging process. Studies showing whether human life is actually lengthened would take decades, but in every living being tested so far, it does. Many experts are already taking it, noting that resveratrol is well tolerated. "There's no doubt, if you feed an animal this stuff, they're going to get less cancer," says Dr. Robert Sclafani, Chair of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department at CU Denver. "What resveratrol does, as we found in our studies, it activates a system that's present in cells but only activates it in cancer cells, not in normal cells ... What it does is it fools the cell into thinking that its DNA is being damaged," says Sclafani, "And then it turns on a response mechanism that now the cell does not divide anymore."
Mickey's Pet Supplies- The largest source of Free Range Moo brand dog chews, natural pet supplies, Wholesome Hide rawhides, high quality interactive dog and cat toys, Lead free ceramic dog bowls and cat bowls and more. 877-863-5431 Free shipping on $75 order.We offer very personal service with 100% customer satisfaction. Our customers are repeat customers.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dog survives Florida Alligator Attack

TAMPA, Fla. — Lizabeth the terrier experienced the canine terror of being dragged underwater in an alligator's jaws — and lived to bark the tale.
The gator wasn't so fortunate.
Tom Martino said he and his Jack Russell terrier were taking their afternoon walk along the Hillsborough River in Tampa on Thursday when he heard splashing — the alligator had snatched the 15-pound dog off riverside rocks and pulled her into the water.
Martino, who has a concealed weapons permit, pulled out his handgun and started shooting at the water around the alligator to frighten it into releasing the dog, he told WFLA-TV.
The 6-foot-4 alligator eventually let her go. Using a rod, Martino was able to rescue his dog, he told WFLA. He then performed CPR on her.
"She coughed up a bunch of water," said Martino, who had never performed CPR on a dog. "I was scared. That's my little baby."
Nine-year-old Lizabeth, who is named after Fred Sanford's deceased wife from the 1970s sitcom "Sanford and Son," is in critical but stable condition and is being cared for at Florida Veterinary ; Veterinarian Miryam Reems told WFLA that the dog suffered bites and lung injuries from being underwater. Before the alligator attack, Lizabeth was being treated for a suppressed immune system. Reems told WFLA the CPR saved Lizabeth's life.
At about 7 p.m. Thursday, a trapper contracted by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission used a treble hook and fish line to capture the alligator, WFLA reported.
Martino took photos of the capture as neighbors watched and news crews filmed the action. The alligator was taped, roped and placed in the back of the trapper's pickup truck.
The animal was declared a nuisance and was to be euthanized, WFLA reported.
"I'm glad he's gone and nobody else got hurt," Martino said
Courtesy of November 5, 2010
Mickey's Pet Supplies- The largest source of Free Range Moo brand dog chews, natural pet supplies, Wholesome Hide rawhides, high quality interactive dog and cat toys, Lead free ceramic dog bowls and cat bowls and more. 877-863-5431 Free shipping on $75 order.
We offer very personal service with 100% customer satisfaction. Our customers are repeat customers.

Friday, October 22, 2010

We have Free Range Moo brand dog chews

Mickey's Pet Supplies has all the Free Range Moo dog chews in stock. We have the 6" braided bully sticks, 12 inch braided bully stick, supreme bully sticks, select bully sticks, angus steer sticks, 12 inch bully junior sticks, tripe twists, tripe springs, achilles tendons, beef trachea, bully jr knotted bones, bully stick springs, Buckarooz deer antlers, lamb femurs, Lamb and sweet potato nuggets, Rabbit and sweet potato nuggets, Duck and sweet potato nuggets and the very hard to find Chicken and Liver nuggets.
Bulk bully sticks are available in the 1 lb. value packs for $46.95
We ship for FREE on orders of $75 and over.
Personal service, lightning fast shipping and 100% customer satisfaction guarnteed.
Our customers are repeat customers.
Use coupon code GO50 at checkout for $5 off your $50 order --expires October 31st

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nina Ottosson Dog Puzzle Toys on SALE

Cold weather is here and time for indoor play with your dogs and cats.

Nina Ottosson dog puzzle toys were created to enrich your pet's mind.

Based on the hunt, seek and find instinct- your pet must remove plastic bones or cups to find the treat. Nina Ottosson, a swedish dog toy inventor, made these dishwasher safe, plastic versions of the Dog Spinny and Dog Magic--easiest of the dog puzzle toys to master, to the Dog Brick and Dog Tornado and now Dog Finder, Dog Casino and Dog Twister for more of a challenge.

Find all the Nina Ottosson Dog Toys at Mickey's Pet Supplies

Use coupon code NINA for 10% off your entire Nina Ottosson order.

Hurry, coupon expires November 25th, 2010

Mickey's Pet Supplies- natural pet supplies, Free Range dog chews, dog bones, Wholesome Hide rawhides, interactive dog and cat toys, ceramic dog bowls, ceramic cat bowls and stands, vitamins, supplements and herbals for pets.
Enjoy FREE shipping on your order of $75 or more.

Call 877-863-5431

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Animals Apawthecary

Herbalist Greg Tilford is an internationally renowned herbalist, author of "All You Ever Wanted to Know About Herbs for Pets"and co-developer of Animals' Apawthecary, a full line of low-alcohol herb tinctures designed for dogs and cats. Gregory is respected as a leading expert in the field of veterinary herbalism and serves as a professional consultant, custom formulator, and educator for dozens of veterinarians, manufacturers, and publishers throughout North America.

Animals Apawthecary tinctures are glycerin based formulations for cats and dogs.
All the herbal tinctures are formulated by leading veterinarian herbalists who are intimately familiar with the needs and sensitivities of cats and dogs. The herbs used are selected from the highest quality certified organic or sustainable wild-harvested North American sources in the world. these naturally balanced herbal blends have a sweet flavor that appeal to most cats and dogs. They come with an unbreakable, recyclable, plastic dropper to assure safe application.
Animals Apawthecary herbal tinctures are the most effective way of taking and assimilating herbs, as they enter the bloodstream rapidly. They are easier to use than herbs in other forms. Simply place a few drops under the tongue or add to your pets' water. Since most pets find these herbal tinctures very palatable, this makes for easy administration.

Mickey's Pet Supplies carries the Animals Apawthecary/Animal Essentials herbal remedies and supplement for low prices and FREE shipping on $75 order. Call 877-863-5431 to order.

Use Coupon Code AE5 to take 5% off your $25 order of any Animals Apawthecary and Animals Essentials purchase. Coupon expires 10/31/10

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Louisville Dog Thrown From Moving Vehicle

Another story of unbelievable animal cruelty. Why and how could someone do this to an animal is beyond us. There are several news stories on this trajic event.

Louisville Dog Thrown From Moving Vehicle
A young border collie named Hope is fighting for her life in Louisville, after someone tossed her out of a moving vehiclA young border collie named Hope is fighting for her life in Louisville, after someone tossed her out of a moving vehicle.
It's a race against time, and injury for the dog, only a year old.
On Tuesday, Hope was thrown from a moving vehicle and then immediately hit by an on-coming car.
But the trauma team at the Louisville Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Services is making efforts to keep her alive.
Hope is suffering from fractures in her pelvis, femur, and one in her spine, but doctors are still hoping for the best.
"It's an emotional case for everybody. It's difficult to believe that someone would do that. Ah, we don't work any harder on this case than we do on any others, but it's difficult not to get emotional about these cases," says Dr. Scott Rizzo.
$12,000 is needed to help cover Hope's medical bills. Courtesy of WKBO news online.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) Two animal groups are raising money to help a dog that was thrown from a car traveling on Interstate 65 in Louisville.
The Shamrock Foundation Arrow Fund and No Kill Louisville are accepting donations to help a female border collie they are calling Hope. The Courier-Journal reports medical treatment for the animal could cost up to $12,000.
Metro Animal Services spokeswoman Jackie Gulbe says the animal was thrown Tuesday afternoon from a dark car.
Rebecca Eaves of the Shamrock Foundation Arrow Fund said the dog suffered several fractures and a dislocated hip.
Donations can be made at and at
Reposted courtesty of: The Courier-Journal,

Mickey's Pet Supplies supports the efforts of animal rescue and animal cruelty. We wish Hope a speedy recovery. Our prayers are with her.
Mickey's Pet Supplies is a natural pet supplies store specializing in natural pet treats and dog chews, Nina Ottosson dog toys, cat toys, holistic pet products and more. 877-863-5431

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nina Ottosson Dog Toys on SALE

Mickey's Pet Supplies loves the Nina Ottosson dog toys. So, to celebrate cooler weather, we are offering 10% off Nina Ottosson dog toys. Coupon code NINA at checkout- coupon expires October 31st. Visit us at
We are a Natural pet store with interactive cat and dog toys. We only carry the highest quality products. Free shipping on $75 order. Call 877-863-5431
Nina Ottosson dog toys are mentally stimulating for your dog and cats.

Nina has won many awards, including the coveted New York pet fashion week Lifestyle Innovation award in August 2010.

Her puzzle toys are categorized in difficulty levels .
The games and toys have different degrees of difficulty, graded 1,2 and 3. Some are a little easier and are great to begin with. Some games are a bit more difficult, and some are more advanced and are excellent to use for dogs that need extra mental stimulation.​
Level 1
For beginners, puppies, older dogs and dogs that are difficult to motivate.
Dog Spinny-Is rated a level 1- or beginner toy-​Hide some treats in the depressions under the rotating discs. Let your dog/cat turn the disc with its paw or nose in order to find the hidden goodies through the hole in the rotating disc.
Dog Magic-Rated level 1-Hide treats under the hollow white plastic blocks.
Let the dog look for the treats by trying to lift or push away one block after the other with its nose or paw, in order to find the hidden treats. A very fun and activating game for you and your dog/cat.

Level 2
Medium, fits most dogs.

Dog Finder-Rated level 2-The dog is to look for treats by moving blocks in four different directions. The block can only be lifted at the end of each track. Under each block there is a depression where treats can be hidden…

Dog Tornado has four layers of rotating discs. In three layers there are compartments where treats can be hidden. The dog/cat has to learn to rotate the different layers in different directions with its nose or paw in order to find the hidden goodies. This is for level 2-level 3 players

Dog Brick is rated for level 2-3 and requires your dog to first dislodge the removable bones, then push the sliding covers with their paw or nose to access the hidden dog treats. Watch your dog push open the bones with his sense of smell to find the treats. Made of a durable plastic that is dishwasher safe. The level of difficulty for the Brick can be varied, depending upon the dog's experience and his enthusiasm for the game.
Dog Twister is rated for level 2-3. Your dog is to look for treats by moving one block after another in a circle in different directions; the blocks can also be locked in position by a bone-shaped peg on the up-side of the game. There are depressions under the blocks where treats can be hidden. This puzzle toy is priced a little less than the wooden version and you can put it in the dishwasher to clean.

Level 3
Advanced, for "smart" dogs and dogs that need extra mental stimulation.
Dog Casino -Your dog looks for treats by pulling out the flaps in different directions. In each flap there is a compartment where the treat can be hidden. Increase the degree of difficulty by locking the flaps using the bone-shaped pegs on top.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Coconut Oil for dogs and cats

The health and nutritional benefits that can be derived from consuming coconut oil have been recognized in many parts of the world for centuries. Virgin Coconut Oil is the richest natural source of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs).

Nationally known holistic vet, Dr. Becker discusses the aging brain and mental decline in dogs. She gives top tips for keeping dogs sharp and nourishing the brain. One of her top tips: "Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) have been shown to improve brain energy metabolism and decrease the amyloid protein buildup that results in brain lesions in older dogs. COCONUT OIL is a rich source of MCTs. I recommend 1/4 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of body weight twice daily for basic MCT support."

CocoTherapy Virgin Organic Coconut Oil can be found at
So what is in virgin coconut oil that make it so wonderful?
Lauric Acid--is a medium chain fatty acid which is abundant in coconut oil, and considered responsible for many of its health benefits. Coconut oil is about 50% lauric acid. The only other abundant source found in nature is in human breast milk.

Here are some of the benefits of using coconut oil in your dog's diet:

  • Improves digestion and nutrient absorption

  • Helps control body and breath odor

  • Aids in elimination of hairballs and coughing

  • Aids healing of digestive disorders like inflammatory bowel syndrome and colitis

  • Contains powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal agents that prevent infection and disease

  • Prevents and treats yeast and fungal infections, including candida

  • Promotes normal thyroid function Helps prevent or control diabetes

  • Aids in arthritis relief

  • Reduces allergic reactions

  • Improves skin health and hair condition

  • Disinfects cuts and promotes wound healing

  • As an antioxidant, it is 50 times more potent than Vitamin E, 15 times more potent than carrots, and 300 times more potent than tomatoes.

Pet owners have been finding that using coconut oil with their dogs has improved ear infections, dermatitis, flea allergies and using it on their dog's feet, softens and conditions paw pads too.

Your dog or cat will love the taste of coconut oil.

Give it a try and see all the great benefits. Use coupon code COCO at checkout for 20% off your order of coconut oil- Good through September 25th only.

Mickey's Pet Supplies has holisitic and organic supplies for cats and dogs- Free Range dog chews, Wholesome Hide rawhides, Vitamins and Supplements for cats and dogs, Interactive dog toys, Cat Toys, Herbals- Animal Essentials/Animals Apawthecary, All Natural dog and cat treats. Low prices, personal service, same day shipping

FREE shipping on $75 orders. Call 877-863-5431 anytime.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Free Range Bully Sticks In Stock--Sale

Mickey's Pet Supplies has GENUINE Free Range MOO Bully Sticks In Stock.
FREE shipping on $75 Order.

We have Bully Jrs. in the 6 inch and 12 inch length starting at $.79 each

Our Bully Selects 12 inch just arrived- These are the medium grade thickness bully sticks.
Here is how the thickness is rated by Free Range MOO brand dog chew
Bully Jr.-thinnest
Bully regular
Bully Select
Bully Premium
Bully Monster

Check out our wide selection of all the Free Range MOO dog chews.

We have the largest selection of any store with the lowest prices.

Take $5 off your $50 order with coupon code GR50 at checkout.

Hurry, this offer expires September 25th.

Call 877-863-5431 anytime.

We guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Nina Ottosson Dog Toys

Autumn is coming and school is starting. Time to get out the toys and play with your dog.
All Nina Ottosson Dog Toys are on sale this week in celebration of Labor Day.
Use coupon code NINA at checkout for 10% off all our Nina Ottosson Interactive Toys.
We carry the Nina Ottosson toys that are made of durable plastic and are easy to clean, dishwasher safe, and have non-stick feet to keep them in place.
Check out the new Dog Twister, Dog Casino and Dog Finder in the plastic version and the wonderful Dog Brick, Dog Spinny, Dog Tornado and Dog Magic puzzle toys.

Mickey's Pet Supplies-

Call 877-863-5431 to order

FREE shipping on $75 order.

Dog saves boy from bee attack

KENT, Ohio -- A hero dog is getting some well-deserved credit for saving her best friend after a swarm of bees attacked on Sunday."I had an allergic reaction, because I didn't know I was allergic to bees," said Richie Bragg, 9.Richie was in his yard when he spotted the bees and couldn't escape. He was stung four times on his foot. It could have worse, but his 18-week-old dog "Pinky" managed to distract the bees, who diverted their attention to the Boxer. "They just got onto Pinky and a whole bunch of bees followed her," said Richie.

Richie made it inside and Pinky also ran for the house, but the bees stayed with the dog. "She was yelping when she got to the door," said Richie. He has a blood condition that affects how his blood clots and his parents say he faced a possible medical emergency if the bees weren't distracted by the family pet.Richie's mom rushed Pinky to the Stow Kent Animal Hospital, where Dr. Jaime Marietti treated the pup who was stung more than 40 times. "You couldn't either of her eyes, she was swollen completely," said Dr. Marietti. "Her ears were actually swollen and sticking straight out because they were so swollen."Dr. Marietti said they see an increase in bee sting cases during the summer, but Pinky's case was potentially serious. "Boxers, especially, tend to be a little bit more allergic to bees, however she had an anaphylactic reaction," said Dr. Marietti. "We were trying to get her through this, she never even looked at us, she never lifted her head up, she didn't pay attention to anything."Pinky is doing better and so is Richie, who credits the dog with coming to his rescue. "Pinky, you really saved my life!"
This story is from LA Times Friday, September 3rd
See video at:,0,6158480.story
Mickey's Pet Supplies is a natural pet store with Holistic pet supplies, Free Range dog chews, Wholesome Hide rawhides and Made in USA pet products. Low prices and FREE shipping on $75 order. Call 877-863-5431 or visit

Monday, August 9, 2010

HuggleHounds Knotties Toys

HuggleHounds dog toys are soft on the outside and tough on the inside.

These wonderful toys are all made of excellent soft feeling material, yet they can tolerate what your dog dishes out.

They came up with this special process called Tuffut technology.

Tuffut Technology bonds three super durable layers to the outside of the dog toy. Hugglehounds also uses extra strong thread and more stitches per inch. The also add special binding on all stress points for added security. These toys are tested to withstand over 100 pounds of tugging and pulling. These dog toys are not indestructible, but they are the next best thing.

Mickey's Pet Supplies has the Mini-Knotties Bunny and Moose. These are the newest version of the Knotties toys made special for small dogs. We have added the Clyde the bear in regular and the large size. You'll find the Flattie Cow and Lamb with no stuffing.

Take 10% off any HuggleHounds toy order with coupon code HUGME- Enter code at checkout.

Expires Aug 15th.
Mickey's Pet Supplies is the leading online source for Free Range dog chews, interactive dog toys and more. Free shipping on $75 order. 877-863-5431

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Snook's Sweet Potato Dog Chews on SALE

What are Snook's Sweet Potato Dog Chews?
Snook's Organic Sweet Potato Dog chews are dried organically raised sweet potato slices that are put on a chemical free hemp rope.
These dried sweet potato dog chews are your healthy alternative to keeping your dog's teeth and gums clean. We all hate to brush our dog's teeth, so give them the natural chew with no artificial additives- only Organic sweet potatoes that are dried.
Sweet potatoes are high in fiber, a natural source of Vitamin A, B6, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Thiamin, Riboflavin & Niacin.
Snook's Products are handmade from Human Grade Organic and Natural Ingredients. Patrice and Chris Snook have a genuine love and concern for the health and safety of their own animals as well as yours. They take special care in creating healthful products that are delicious and gentle, yet effective. All Snook's products are made fresh in Oregon and their source for their organic sweet potatoes is also chosen by these same standards.
Mickey's Pet Supplies has all the sizes available on SALE this week.

Recommended size for your dog:
3-20lb - Small Dog Chew
20-60lb - Medium Dog Chew
60-100lb - Large Dog Chew
Over 100lbs - X-Large Dog Chew
Mickey's Pet Supplies is the largest Free Range dog chews and Organic dog and cat treat source.
We treat all our customers like family and still maintain the lowest prices with the best personal service. Our customers are repeat customers!
You may reach us by phone anytime at 877-863-5431 or by e-mail at

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Free Range Bully Juniors

Just arrived! The Bully junior sticks in the 6 inch and 12 inch length are in stock and going fast!

These have been backordered from Free Range Moo dog chews since March.

We have very limited stock.

Please use coupon code FRJUL at checkout

$5 off $50 order

or Call 877-863-5431

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Whole Life Pet Treats

We have a great story about Whole Life Pet Treats.
Our Ocicat, Cody was our convincing factor on our decision to stock the Whole Life pet treats.
At the recommendation of one of our customers, we asked for some samples from the folks at Whole Life. A nice big envelope arrived and I left it on my kitchen counter while I went outside.
When I came back in the manilla envelope had been chewed open and I found my beautiful Cody sitting on the floor of my dining room happily crunching away on a sample bag of the cod treats.
That is not the end of my Cody's love for these freeze dried raw meat treats. I had a photographer here and all the Whole Life variety of treats were neatly displayed and we had the large bags and smaller sizes arranged. I turned around and saw Mr. Cody chewing at the large bag of Beef Liver treats.
What is it about the Whole Life pet treats that make them so irresistible?
They manufacturer their meats in a human grade facility in Massachusetts. All their meats used in their products come from the USA, except for their beef. It comes from South American Argentinian Free Range cattle. Of course, the best beef comes from those Angus cows that can free range and are only grass fed- no hormones, no antibiotics, no force fed feed lots.
They test each batch of their products and they are submitted for micro testing prior to being used in production. If a batch fails it never makes it to our production facility and is disposed of. They test for:Yeast,Mold, Salmonella,E. Coli,Coliforms (harmful bacteria) and Staphylococcus aureus.
The Whole Life pet treats are a single source pet treat- no artificial ingredients- only the best meats that are literally human grade quality and simply processed. Whole Life has simple recognizable ingredients, simple formulations and minimal processing to maintain the purity and integrity of every ingredient used.
For those of you that have not tried these tasty morsels of meaty delight for cats and dogs- We would like to offer great savings. The 2 - 4 oz. chicken, beef and cod pet treats are all 10% off through this weekend- coupon code- WLIFE10
Just enter this code at checkout
Visit us at
We are your source for the highest quality, holistic, natural dog chews and treats.
Free shipping on $75 Order
Call 877-863-5431 to order

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Free Range Dog Chews on SALE

We have all the newest Free Range Dog Chew products and they are all on sale.

This is our Christmas in July celebration.

Use Coupon Code FRJUL at checkout for $5 off $50 order of any Free Range Dog Chew products.

This coupon expires July 25th.

We just received our shipment of the Angus Steer Sticks in the 3.75 oz. packages. These are the finest quality genuine Free Range MOO brand Angust steer sticks straight from Argentina.
What's the difference between a Steer Stick and a Bully Stick? A Steer Stick is made from a bull penis that has been neutered. The neutering inhibits full growth of the Pizzle; so that a Steer Stick is essentially a Bully Stick, but just smaller in size and diameter. Steer Sticks offer about 10-20 minutes of chewing pacification. Like the Bully Stick, a Steer Stick is easy to digest, safely cleans teeth and gums and is an all-natural alternative to rawhide and a nice, gentle alternative for pups and seniors.

These are great bully sticks that are thin- comparable to the Bully Junior Sticks packages that have been backordered since March.

They come in 3-5", 7", 9" and 12" lengths packaged in a 3.75 oz. bag.

The 3-5" sticks have 8-12 sticks per package.

The 7" sticks have 10-13 sticks per package.

The 9" sticks have 8-10 bully sticks per package.

The 12" sticks have 6-8 sticks per pack.

These are $10.50 per pack

The Achille's tendons wishbones in stock and the new one pound bag of 1-3" ODOR FREE bully tips (bites) are brand new. We have the Buly 1 lb. bags of the 9-10", 11-12" bully sticks, tripe springs, tripe twists, bully springs and the hard to keep in stock Chicken and Sweet Potato wraps, Rabbit and Sweet Potato, Duck and Sweet Potato and a very limited amount of Chicken & Apple wraps- so hurry.

FREE shipping on $75 order within the lower 48 states.

Mickey's Pet Supplies has the largest selection of FREE Range MOO dog chew products at the lowest prices and Free shipping.

Call 877-86-5431 to order or visit us online at

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Special Recipe for Dogs

This is a wonderful recipe for your dog. If you like to give your dog a little variety in their diet, you should give this a try. It is super simple to make.

Laci’s Meatloaf
In a large bowl, mix:
1 ½ lbs. lean ground beef , chicken, turkey or a mixture
1 cup skim milk powder
1/2 cup cooked rice (or rolled oats in 3/4 cup water or chicken broth)
1/2 cup wheat germ
2 eggs
1 cup frozen veggies (like peas and carrots)
Put into 1 loaf pan, cook at 350° for 50 – 60 minutes. Drain fat off, let cool, then cut in slices, wrap and freeze.

Courtesy of Helen Fazio- Travel Dog Blogger:

Mickey's Pet Supplies is your source for the latest and greatest Free Range Dog Chews, Wholesome Hide rawhides, Organic cat and dog treats, Holistic Animal Health products, Interactive dog toys and Eco-Friendly toys for pets. FREE ship on $75 order.

Call 877-863-5431

Take 10% any Health item --coupon code HEALTH at checkout

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Another coyote attack in New York

Here is another article about the rise in coyote attacks. This time, it is young children that are being attacked.
Do not feed wild animals! Coyotes are becoming fearless of humans and are becoming bolder.
Our previous post is about small dogs and cats in California.

RYE, N.Y. — The wary but tolerant relationship between humans and coyotes is changing in a New York City suburb, where two attacks on little girls have police officers shooting at the animals and parents keeping their kids inside on summer evenings at the urging of authorities.
Years of easy living in the suburbs may have dampened coyotes' fear of humans and prompted the unusual behavior, experts said. But in the short term, "This is a threat to public safety, and we are treating it as such," said William Connors, police chief in Rye, about 25 miles northeast of midtown Manhattan.
The state Department of Environmental Conservation has given Rye permission to shoot coyotes on sight and to kill any that are trapped, said Kevin Clarke, wildlife biologist for the department. Three shots have been fired since Friday, Connors said, but no coyotes have been brought down.
He advised residents not to allow small children to play outdoors, and to stay within an arm's length of children who do.
The police chief said there was no sign the coyotes were rabid, although he believed both girls were being treated for rabies as a precaution.
The latest attack was Tuesday night, when a 3-year-old girl playing in her backyard — which borders the heavily wooded Rye Nature Center — was jumped from behind by a coyote.
Her playmate, 4-year-old Stephanie Ellis, said Wednesday, "I saw the coyote attack her. ... She was lying on the ground and the coyote was on top of her. I was kind of scared so I ran." Stephanie cried out for her mother, and she and the victim's father chased off the animal.
The girl was bitten on her neck and torso, Connors said.
On Friday night, a 6-year-old was mauled by two coyotes and suffered bites or scratches on her thigh, shoulder, neck, ear and back before her mother could scatter the animals, Connors said.
Since 1970, coyotes have been moving steadily south from sparsely populated areas of upstate New York into the suburbs of the nation's largest city, but they normally avoid human interaction.
"This is very unusual behavior," Connors said. "Wildlife experts tell us that the danger with wild animals like this is when they lose their fear of humans."
Coyotes are a permanent feature of many suburbs and should be tolerated, Clarke said, but "we should not necessarily tolerate their presence in our backyards and around our children."
Dan Bogan, a doctoral candidate at Cornell University's Department of Natural Resources, studied coyotes in Westchester, a posh suburb, for several years and said, "Probably one of the best ways to keep people safe is to instill some kind of healthy respect in coyotes."
Connors said he hoped shooting and trapping the animals would "rekindle that fear of human interaction."
News media reported only 142 coyote attacks on people in the U.S. and Canada between 1960 and 2006, according to a study published last year by Ohio State University researchers. In 2008 and 2009, four Denver-area residents were bitten over four months. The only known fatal coyote attack in the nation killed a California toddler in the 1980s.
In rural areas, where coyotes are often hunted, the animals realize their numbers are culled when they interact with humans, Connors said.
But in suburbia, they have their natural prey including rabbits and birds and rodents, "but they also have some easy sources of food: garbage, people leave pet food out, some people even feed them," Connors said.
One coyote necropsy showed that the animal had eaten pork chops, he said.
"Put together easy sources of food and humans that don't harm them, and ... it emboldens them and they lose their natural fear," he said.
Michelle Dutra, a nanny in Rye, had a 22-month-old boy named Baker in a stroller near the scene of Tuesday's attack, a well-to-do neighborhood. "I'll keep him in the stroller," she said. "No walking. And I'll have him inside before dark."
Another neighbor, 85-year-old Paul Verille, said he has seen coyotes for years while playing golf.
"I see them all the time on the course, at a distance, and they would take off," he said. "Now they're more brazen." He said his eight grandchildren come over often to play on a backyard trampoline, and "I'll keep a close watch. That's all you can do."
Clarke said he worried about "the species as a whole being implicated, and a whole witch hunt" being carried out.
"Not all individuals are dangerous," he said.
But Connors said that after a coyote attack, "You can't really establish which animal is involved and which is not. ... We are presuming at this point that all coyotes are dangerous animals that may harm our children, and we will treat them as such."
Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Reposted by Mickey's Pet Supplies-

Coyote Attacks are on the rise

We found this article very interesting and a definite wake up call for people that think coyotes attack at night or that their backyard is safe from coyotes.

This story tells it all:

Standing strong against coyotes
A Thousand Oaks woman lost a dog to the ever-bolder predators. Now she's telling her neighbors how to keep their pets safe. Three yipping Pomeranian dogs at her feet, Renee Merrill grabs a 7-iron and steps into her backyard, ready for battle.
A year ago, she had a fourth Pomeranian, a tiny fluff of brown and white fur named Zeus. But as Merrill attended to business inside her home, a coyote hopped her 6-foot fence and dragged Zeus off. Her sobbing children later found his battered body.
"This was at 9:15 in the morning," Merrill said. "I've lived here 19 years and it never crossed my mind that coyotes would attack in broad daylight."
That realization has changed Merrill's life in a major way. Today, the 53-year-old single mother is waging a personal crusade to warn her neighbors in the Newbury Park area of Thousand Oaks about the shaggy predators' increasingly aggressive behavior. Coyotes' growing boldness, experts say, is fueled by human complacency, and Merrill is determined to change her neighbors' behavior.
She's posted signs warning of daytime attacks. She's educated herself about the best ways to keep coyotes from coming around. She stockpiles articles about coyote behavior, coyote trapping methods and anti-coyote fencing, forwarding them to people who ask for help.
She even plans to form a wildlife watch program — similar to the crime-preventing Neighborhood Watch — and wage her campaign block by block.
The petite brunette admits it's an odd avocation for someone who devotes much of her free time to rescuing shelter dogs and cats, but she says the problem cannot be ignored.
Coyote sightings in Southern California's hillside neighborhoods have become commonplace, as the animals are drawn by the promise of an easy meal, said Kevin Brennan, a wildlife biologist with the state Fish and Game Department.
They go for garbage, pet food in outdoor bowls and fruit dropped from trees. If they get comfortable and the opportunity arises, they will attack small pets too, Brennan said. The problem arises when people become so used to having coyotes around that they make no effort to scare them away, he said.
Across the state, people are increasingly reporting coyotes staring them down or snatching small dogs from yards right in front of them, Brennan said.
His advice: Never let a coyote become comfortable around homes.
"If coyotes are behaving boldly during the day, you've already lost the battle,'' he said. "If that happens, you're beyond the point where nonlethal measures will be effective."
After Zeus' death, Merrill carried a golf club every time she took her dogs out for a few minutes' romp in the backyard. She installed rollers — horizontal plastic tubes that spin freely —- on her fence to make it difficult for coyotes to scale the barriers, and she carries an empty soda can filled with small batteries to make noise.
Other hazing techniques she recommends include spraying them with a garden hose, raising your arms and shouting loudly or shooting them with a paintball gun. It's illegal to shoot the animals with an actual firearm within the city limits.
On a recent walk, Merrill pointed out the homes of pet owners who had also experienced coyote attacks. One neighbor lost a dachshund, another a sheltie.
Malisa Auster, who lives a couple of streets away from Merrill, said that she had just let her dachshund mix into her yard in August when a coyote jumped over a low wall and dragged him down the cul-de-sac. Coyotes still cruise by on the hillside above her house almost every day, she said. She recently snapped a photo of one that stood staring her down in her backyard.
"I don't let my dogs out at all unless I'm with them,'' she said. "I sit on the wall and watch."
Sylvia Prentis, who has lived in the neighborhood 46 years, said the animals have definitely grown more aggressive. "They are walking down the street in broad daylight," she said. "Our lives have changed and we have to do something about it."
Greg Smith, a Thousand Oaks environmental planner, said the city doesn't take action unless a coyote threatens or attacks a human, and that hasn't happened. If it did, the city would hire a trapper to find the animal and euthanize it, he said.
He commends Merrill's efforts to educate residents about how to keep their domesticated pets safe.
"Some people actually feed them," Smith said. "We have to change behaviors to keep them away."
Merrill said she and other neighbors have considering hiring a trapper. But the cost, about $3,000, has held them back, she said.
For now, she keeps posting brightly colored signs. She's received a lot of calls thanking her for her work, but Merrill says that she still sees cats and small dogs wandering unattended during the day.
She keeps a small picture of Zeus on a laminated pendant on a chain around her neck to remind her why she shouldn't drop her mission, Merrill said.
"My goal is to keep cats and dogs inside during the day,'' she said, "It's the only solution to keep them alive."
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Sunday, June 27, 2010

DNA testing for new Dog Fighting Database to end Cruelty

Effort Uses Dogs’ DNA to Track Their Abusers
Published: June 25, 2010 New York Times Science Section
"A coalition of scientists and animal rights advocates has found a way to do for victims of animal abuse what the criminal justice system has done for human crime victims

ST. LOUIS — Scientists and animal rights advocates have enlisted DNA evidence to do for man’s best friend what the judicial system has long done for human crime victims. They have created the country’s first dog-fighting DNA database, which they say will help criminal investigators piece together an abused animal’s history by establishing ties among breeders, owners, pit operators and the animals themselves.
Mark Katzman
The country's first dog-fighting DNA database contains samples from victims like Reggie, a pit bull recovered in a 2009 raid, and helps establish ties among breeders, owners and pit operators.
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Called the Canine Codis, or Combined DNA Index System, the database is similar to the Federal Bureau of Investigations digital archive containing the DNA profiles of criminal offenders. Scientists say that by swabbing the inner cheek of a dog, they will be able to determine whether the animal comes from one of several known dog-fighting bloodlines.
“People are not generally going to the pound and buying pit bulls to fight — these dogs are from established bloodlines,” said Tim Rickey, senior director of field investigations and response for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. “And if a suspected dog fighter’s animal matches one of those bloodlines, that would be a key piece of evidence.”
The database, a joint effort by the A.S.P.C.A., the Louisiana S.P.C.A., the Humane Society of Missouri and researchers at the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at the University of California, Davis, was developed during an investigation last July that resulted in 26 arrests and the seizure of more than 400 dogs. The investigation, which stretched across seven states, from Iowa to Texas, resulted in the largest dog-fighting raid in United States history, the authorities said.
“We ran the DNA to see if we could connect the different crime scenes and 400 different dogs, which we were able to do,” said Dr. Melinda Merck, a forensic veterinarian for the A.S.P.C.A. “A lot of times defendants will claim not only that they are not dog fighting, but also that they’re just breeding and they don’t know each other.”
The DNA showed otherwise, indicating that many of the dogs were related. The July raids have yielded at least 17 guilty pleas, and while the DNA evidence did not conclusively prove a relationship among defendants, it certainly suggested one. Investigators caution, however, that DNA evidence alone will rarely make a case, though many juries have come to expect it.
“There is definitely a C.S.I. effect,” Dr. Merck said. “Juries want to know that if you have evidence you’ve run every possible test. The DNA is just one more tool in our kit that can bolster our cases.” She added, “I do think it’s something that is going to make the dog-fighting world very nervous.”
Illegal in all 50 states, dog fighting gained national attention in 2007 when Michael Vick, then the star quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons, pleaded guilty to federal dog-fighting conspiracy charges and went on to serve 21 months in prison.
Investigators say the multimillion-dollar industry is often associated with other illicit activities like drug trafficking and gambling. But the real money, they say, comes from breeding the animals, which can fetch up to $50,000 for a champion fighter.
“There’s a lot of money that’s made on the fight purses and the side wagering, but the goal for these dog fighters is to breed a champion or a grand champion,” Mr. Rickey said. “It’s not uncommon to get $5,000 for a puppy. Over a dog’s lifespan, that can be in the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars.”
Researchers say the database, which contains the genetic profiles of nearly 400 of the dogs recovered in the raid, will become more useful as it grows.
Beth Wictum, who directs the forensic unit at the University of California, Davis, where the database is stored, hopes to “identify other lineages that are in the West.”
Investigators add that the database may also prove useful in forensic investigations of blood samples found at a dog-fighting site, allowing them to establish the presence of a particular dog.
“One of the challenges in a lot of these fighting pits is that the losing dogs are often executed and dumped along the side of the road somewhere,” Mr. Rickey said. “This database may provide a useful tool for tracking down where the animal was bred, and maybe the owner.”
Nearly 250 of the animals recovered during the July 2009 raid have been rehabilitated and are now pets or service and therapy dogs.
“These animals were horribly mutilated — missing ears, missing eyes, missing parts of their legs,” said Jeane Jae, a spokeswoman for the Humane Society of Missouri, which housed the animals that contributed to the database. “But when given a choice, many will choose not to fight — that’s an animal that’s capable of rehabilitation.”
One such animal, a brown and white pit bull that now goes by the name Reggie, still bears a web of fight scars across his face. The dog cowers at the sound of cheering crowds, which his owner, Gale Frey, believes he associates with the roar of the fight pit.
Nevertheless, Ms. Frey says, Reggie has made great strides and is being trained to work as a therapy dog in St. Louis-area hospitals.
“We’re moving forward,” said Ms. Frey, who runs Phoenix Pack, a nonprofit dog rescue service in St. Louis. “The pit’s in the past.”
Reposted by Mickey's Pet Supplies June 27, 2010