The New Nina Ottosson Dog Puzzle Toys has arrived and are on sale.
Take a look at the new Dog Twister, Dog Finder, and Dog Casino.
These new puzzle toys have just reached the U.S.
I just read an article about dogs and stress and causes of illnesses.
Pet parents don't understand their pets needs to be stimulated mentally. When dogs are bored- they become stressed. Stress then triggers some illnesses.
Dogs often develop behaviors that are not acceptable when boredom sets in.
Have you ever noticed how your dog chews things when they don't have enough to do?
Take the time and sit down with your dog and play some of these puzzle toys.
They really do stimulate the mind. Your dog has to work the puzzles in order to be rewarded with treats. Remember dogs like positive reinforcement training also.
They love praise and attention. What better way to spend quality time with your pet and enhance their mental stimuli.
Mickey's Pet Supplies carries all of the completely washable plastic Nina Ottosson dog toys and they are on special sale right now.
Call 877-863-5431 or go to http://www.mickeyspetsupplies.com/ to order yours now.
FREE SHIPPING on all orders of $75 and over.