Thursday, March 11, 2010

Whale Served at Santa Monica Restaurant

We watched the Academy Awards and the documentary "The Cove". The producers, as activists
launched a sting operation, pulling law enforcement into their efforts to stop the unlawful sale of dolphin and whale meat.
The Hump restaurant in Santa Monica openly admitted to serving an endangered species whale- the sei, ne of the largest baleen whales {after the blue and the fin}in the oceans.
The owner is facing a $200,000 fine. We can't imagine why a fancy California restaurant would need or want to serve whale sushi. We support the efforts of all activists trying to save whales and dolphins and other endangered species throughout the world.
Read the entire story at:
If you haven't watched "The Cove", be prepared to be shocked as to what is being done towards our very intelligent friends.
I personally, have swam with the dolphins and interacted with these wonderful mammals and do not understand people that have no regard for these creatures.
Animal Planet will launch a new series entitled "Dolphin Warriors" as a follow-up to the documentary.