We are so excited to carry the Shoo! Tag Natural Flea and Tick Barrier for dogs!
As a SPECIAL Introductory Price- We are selling these for 10% off for the next week.
The response to these has been phenomenal!
This revolutionary product works scientifically and sends an electromagnetic signal that keeps fleas and ticks away from your dogs and cats. The key to shoo!TAG is the three dimensional electromagnetic field embedded in the magnetic strip. Shoo!TAG when used as instructed, utilizes the power of the bio-energetic field which surrounds all living things to create a frequency barrier for up to four months. Shoo!TAG is calibrated to specific animals and specific insects to repel targeted pests. This is possible because various insects and pests react to frequencies. These frequencies are introduced into the bio-energetic field of the wearer. These specific frequencies and resonances have proven to disturb targeted pests and create a barrierThese are available in single packs or doubles for those of you with more dogs. They are small and come packed with one tag for ticks and one for fleas.
With all the controversy surrounding the use of spot on treatments like Frontline and Advantage, we researched the most natural way to help our customers combat flea and ticks.
This company guarantees their product to work.
You can read more about the Shoo! Tag and their guarantee at http://www.shootag.com/guarantee
Mickey's Pet Supplies has Shoo!Tags for dogs, cats and people at http://www.mickeyspetsupplies.com
Call 877-863-5431 to order